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Off for second round of Topotecan


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I am headed in for my second treatment. Wish me luck. It will be interesting to see if I eat like a horse again tonight, lol.

I have noticed a few minor side effects pop up over the past couple of days so we will also see if they increase with the second dosage.

God Bless you all!!


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Good Luck Mo. I also had Topotecan when they found a second tumor on my r lung. Turned out to be scar tissue! I had very few side effects except low blood counts. Hope you can experience the same. My very best wishes & positive energy coming your way.

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Thank you all for the kind words. Seems like the main side effects are dropping blood counts and constipation and we can deal with those. They cut the steroid dosage in 1/2 so I only ate like a pony and NOT a full grown horse on Tuesday!

Thank you all again!!

Love ya and God Bless,


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