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I need to go for a while.........


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Dear Family,

I have been getting increasingly depressed over the past faw months and maybe since January when my Brother was dx.

I have said so many times I could never leave here as I care so much for so many of you, however I am leaving tomorrow morning and going away for a week with my husband and see if I can find Jane again.

I will spend my time hopefully away from all the pressures and thoughts in my head and heart that hurt. I am praying you all will be well and that you all know that I will continue to pray for you.

I will check in when I get back and make the hard decision of if I have to leave this site for my own good. I love you all very much.

God Bless each and every one of you,


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You have our gratitude and love for your generosity. You have not only "talked the talk" but also "walked the walk". Take time for yourself and your family now. Your health and well being are vitally important to us. Take care and God bless.

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I for one would really miss you if you went away. I do understand where you are coming from. It is very hard on one emotionally. The prognosis for those with lung cancer is not that great. I have been here quite a while and have lost too many friends to this disease. For me, this board has been a God send. It has helped me through some really low points. You are one of those special people, who just cares too much. Losing friends on this board is not easy. What helps me is my faith, and the belief that life on this earth is so brief. I trust that God has more in store for us after the death of our physical bodies. You have helped so many here on this board. Your brother's death has not been in vain. I hope you come back to us when you are feeling better.


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

I'll really miss you Jane. You've been so kind and an inspiration to the community. I think you're unselfish donation to sponsor the hosting of this board has urged others, including myself, to take a more active part. I'll miss you personally too as you have been so caring to me.

With all that said though, I understand. I also feel the need to take a break. The recent deaths have cut like a knife.


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Jane, I hope that you are able to have some time to reflect...you were a wonderful sister and I am sure your brother wants you to find yourself again, too...

Just take a deep breath...hold...and let it out. Don't worry about us, we'll be here...waiting. Deb

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Oh hon, I hope you find what you're looking for this week...if ever anyone needed some "me" time, it's you!

With every one of your posts, I could feel the bond between you and your brother...you're very special and he was blessed to have you.

And now, I still get a smile when I see your name beside a post....because I know I'm going to read a message of sincere hope and encouragement.

I can understand that you need a break from this board......I just hope it's not a permanent one :cry: You would be terribly missed; but you must do what feels right to you.

Thanks for being here.......Mary :)

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as Katieb said, we support you in any decision you have to make. You have to do what makes You heal. If it means leaving the site for a week, month, year or forever to heal, then by all means do it...!!


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