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More bad news-- the unthinkable...

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well today was the day my dad was supposed to get the radiosurgery. last night, however, after a family meeting with the doctors about my dad's steady declining health-- he's starting to have mini-strokes, it was decided not to go any further. we also decided on a no-resuscitation approach, so, he's basically in hospice care at this point. i'm still in a state a disbelief. we all cried off and on last night. i'm so overwhelmed that i'm not sure i've completely taken it ALL in yet, even though i've had a number of really big break downs. absolutely nothing prepares you for this!!

thanks for being here and being su extremely supportive you guys!

Love to all of you,


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Is you father experiencing mini-strokes or mini-seizures? My dad was having mini-seizures and declined in health over a couple of weeks. He eventually had a full seizure and became completely paralyzed (for 2 days) before they found his brain tumors back in 2003. He received WBR for his 21 brain mets(1cm-2cm each) and currently has no evidence of disease. You may want to get a second opinion.


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thank you all so much for your responses. they mean so much to me at this extremely difficult time. cary, i totally appreciate your input. unfortunately, my dad has an advance spread of cancer in his abdomen as well. the doctors seem to think that the radiosurgery could possibly do more damage than good at this time, and that it would only prolong his life for a fairly short amount of time

before he would succomb anyway to this dreadful disease.

family has been in and out today to see him and say their goodbyes. he is still opening his eyes, but has very few words. i'm just so sad...

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Dear Kitty,

When it was decided that the chemo was no longer helping my Brother and that he was stopping treatment I have to say I felt relief as I knew as he did that it was his time. I was relieved because I knew he wasent going to go through a bunch of treatments that were not helping him and that he seemed accepting and ready to make that decision. When he told me that was what he was going to do I just shook my head yes. I was sad that I knew his end was near without anything to help him but I also knew God was going to take him home to a better place.

I am not telling you how you should or should not feel as we are all different and handle things differently. I am just praying that he is at peace with the decision and that the family can come to accept it also because I think it makes a huge difference on the person who is ill to be supported in his/ her decision.

God Bless You All,


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When they told my precious Earl that more treatment would only make him feel worse and in no way stop the progression of the disease, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach.

I know in my brain, (but not yet in my heart) that it was the right thing to do. Continued treatment would only have been for me, not for him.

My prayers are with you at this time, it is a very difficult time I know.

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thank you all soooo much! your input means the world to me right now. we're continuing to spend time with my dad. i've kissed him, hugged him, and told him how much i love him more than i think i ever have in my life. :):)

okay-- here come those darn tears again :!:

Lots of Love to you all,



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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Kitty, I'm sorry to hear this. I will say prayers and send positive energy to you and your family. I will start as soon as I post this.


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