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Hi, as many of you know, my mom is battling colon cancer. she had part of her colon with a nasty tumor removed two months ago and today she had another surgery to remove tumo on her liver.

the surgeon had said he couldn't do it with laproscopy, he had to open he up, but he changed his mind, especially after talking to mom's super duper colon surgeon and our wonderful "family" oncologist, and he did it laproscopy! It still took three hours, but my mom, who doesn't do narcotcs very well, now has a quick recovery time, little pain, etc.

TAlk about God answering some prayers!

anyway, THAT, along wih the arrival of dave's parents, is making my life so much better, I feel like i can breathe now!


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It is about time you got some good news in your life. I don't know how you withstood all the 'stuff' that was happening in your life.

Hope your Mother heals quickly and easily and that she is finished with her treatments.

Hope David is responding well to his treatments.

Hope Faith is being a typical 3 year old.

Hope David's parents are giving you some much needed Karen time.

Hope nothing but good things for you and your family.


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Definitely in the upswing I think!

Well, haven't don't anything for myself yet, nothing concrete - got busy last week with my mom's surgery and Faith's birthday and Dave's parents 50th wedding anniversary. But I'm going to do a girls' night out one evening next week with my best friend, nothing wild, just dinner after work and a movie I think.


Just having Dave's folks here makes me feel so much better, I feel so indulgent - to have someone play with Faith while I make dinner or vice versa. Quite a load off my back. Just picking her up from daycare every few days makes thing so much easier for me, I've actually gone to the grocery store by myself!


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well, we are still riding the roller coaster. my dad took my mom to the ER today. I was at the same darn hospital all day yesterday with Dave as he got his porta cath fixed. Anyway, she saw bright flashing lights this afternoon for 20 minutes or so, then had some other weird vision problems. being so close on the heels of her liver surgery they decided to play it safe and to get it checked out. They brought in a neurologist, her family doctor also came to the hospital and examined her, and both think she had a TIA (mini stroke) but she could have mini brain mets. head CT scan was clear. blood work was great. tomorrow she gets an MRI.

She's feeling great though and I had a pretty good time hanging out with my folks in the ER, we talked and laughed and had a good ole' time. The nruologist looked to be about 16 and I had to tell him so (well, I called him Doogie Howser when he first walked in which got my mom to giggling but by the end of his visit he and I were best of friends and competing to see who had the prettier child . . . dueling children photos). Mom is spending the night and I'm sure will come home tomorrow.

anyway, it's late and I'm tired so better close now. thanks for your good thoughts.


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I'm so glad your mom is feeling well and you guys got to laugh and have a good time. It reminds me so much of the fun times we used to have with our mom and dad. We are a silly and fun family. It just makes everything so much better when they feel good, doesn't it? I will pray that her MRI scan is ok, and that if it was a mini-stroke, that all will be well with that, too.

Much love,


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Oh Karen Dear!! Your roller coaster is a doozy! I am so glad to hear your in laws are there to support you. Your Mom is in my prayers and it sounds like she is in pretty good spirits. Glad to hear that. Loved the "Doogie Howser" story, and I am sure you had the prettiest child!


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