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Sorry - Hurricane - Not cancer - All of Florida??

Guest bean_si (Not Active)

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Cat, thanks so much for listing all of us that are here in Florida. It makes it easier to keep up with each other after this thing passes. The 11:00 update is calling for the Vero Beach area. I can tell all of you that today my panic officially set in. I was at Walmart at 0 dark thirty and was able to find nothing that I need. People were making announcements stating we are not out of this...we are now out of that!!! I had tears in my eyes before I got out of that store!!! Please pray for all of that are in harms way of this storm.

(((((((((((CAT))))))))))))) I am praying so hard for you right now!!! Feel it?????

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Heavens to Murgotryd. Can't they make up their minds? Now they said North Carolina is probably safe but SE coast of Florida is going to be hit. Both myself and Ann are in quite bad straits and I think Ginny (Pecola) too.

Prayers please. They are saying this is the worst storm they can remember. I know this pales in comparison to what many of you are going through but I figure most of the Floridian members are also dealing with cancer. Please pray that I get to keep my dog on plane.

Cat (whose worried about her adorable dog)

BTW, there are such cute dogs on this site. :D

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To all you Floridians,

IF you can possibly get to I-75 and head north OR if you can fly (like Cat) to Ga., you are welcome at our place in central west Ga. You would need to get off I-75 in Cordele, GA (or earlier if it is bumper to bumper), travel through Americus, and on to Buena Vista. It's about 60 miles from Cordele to Buena Vista. If you're interested, PM me and I'll give you a phone number so you can call for more detailed directions.

Ginger (aka ViVi)

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As I sit here in Stuart, Florida with my family, I wonder the same thing. We aren't quite sure what to do. I want to be smart about this hurricane and not mess around- have bought all my supplies, however we have no hurricane shutters on our home. We plan to stay with the in-laws in town, but if the winds stay sustained at 140 I want to leave. It seems if are to leave it should be tonight or tomorrow a.m. because very soon it's gonna be pure gridlock! But then were do we go?? East or South????

Stay safe.


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)


Stuart? Definitely not good. You're right - the biggest problem is the grid lock. People are panicking about this storm. I've been out and have never seen so much talk and so much fears. I don't want to be responsible for giving the wrong advice and, if you've know the history of hurricanes changing at the last moment, it's impossible to say where you should go. Still, I have a feeling and wish you and Ann would hit the roads tonight or very early tomorrow. My best guess and it's only a guess is to try to head Northwest and get up into the western area of Georgia. Make your reservations tonight. I've got some AAA books for motels in Georgia. If you can give me a city, I'll give you a phone number and if they take pets, etc.

Ann - the same to you and anyone else.


ADDING LATER: I'm in a lot of pain so am taking new pain meds. I may not be able to answer tonight but probably will be up by 3 or 4 a.m. tomorrow if anyone has questiones on hotels in GA. Sorry. I really hurt. I'm worried about you guys and Betty and Gina and everyone in Florida.

Even Later: Just heard my county has mandatory evacuation.

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Cat, best of luck with your trip, I am worried about you making this trip alone when I know you are so sick.

And I think it totally sucks that shelters won't take people with the family dog, especially if the dog is a little tiny one like yours. that is insane. but you're better off doing what you're doing than going to a shelter if you ask me.

I hope you can get to a computer - maybe at a public library or a Kinkos? and let us know how you are doing.

when did you schedule a return? make sure you give the hurricane plenty of time to go through.

Best of luck to you.

and you other FL folks please keep us posted as well.

God Bless to you all,

Karen C.

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All of you in Florida....I live in north Alabama....If I can get you a reservation here....or let you use my guest room.....your little dogs are welcome to play with mine. I have all of you in my prayers.....I hate bad weather and am also praying we don't have tornadoes etc here.

Just PM me and I will give you my phone number etc.


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)


I download my e-mail directly from my server to avoid viruses - i.e., I actually go to IP mail server, not my own, check things out and then download all the non-junk, non-suspcicious mail.

This morning, I saw a couple that looked like members here but somehow in my half awake stressed attitude, i managed to delete them all from the server instead of downloading! I dunno how, I swear I marked them "Get". I can never get them back so if you don't hear from me - I'm not avoiding you - it was a big accident. Sniff

I won't have internet access unless I find a library - unlikely as only 1 car and my daughter is working and she lives in a small city and I can't walk.

They're talking about not flying from West Palm Beach today so I can only hope my flight is still taking off. I'll be gone until late next Wednesday so don't expect to hear from me before Thursday when I also have tests scheduled first thing :-( It also seems they overbooked so I'm getting there 3 hours early - happy dog. Hope she doesn't make the wolf EE-UUU-WWWWWWWWWWWWWW sound which seem so incredible come from such a wee dog.

I'm tired and coughing a lot. Stupid pulmonary guy never called me back or anything so I'm in limbo.

Praying very hard for everone in Florida, expecially east coasters like Ann and Grix - where are you guys - are you okay? What about Gina and Betty? Please check in. Thank you.


Adding Later: I have Jane and Angie and Ann's phone number so I will check with them and checking up with Ann!

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REMEMBER.........call me if you get to take flight and make it to Georgia. You are going to be REAL CLOSE to TeeTaa, TBone's little sister. TeeTaa, her sister Vivi and I have been wanting to meet up. Maybe we could do it while you are in Georgia and you could join us. It would be a "mini southern bash"!! Hey, there's Nushka too. She's a little farther away than I am, but she might be up for a road trip.

Please, do give me a call so that we know that you are safe.(even if we don't get to meet up)

In my thoughts and prayers~~~


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Cat -

As I've told you before, I'm in Roswell, GA, not far at all from your daughter. We're headed to Missouri tomorrow mid-morning to see my FIL, and won't be back til Monday afternoon. Gotta get the house cleaned today, though, cause my neighbor's friends (and THEIR friends, and THEIR friends, etc.) are fleeing Hurricane Frances from Savannah and most likely some of them will be staying at my house. I'll PM you my and Teacake and ViVi's numbers in case you need anything. As far as I know, Teacake (Fran, who also lives in the Atlanta area) is around this weekend, and I know ViVi (Ginger) is home in west central Georgia as well. Shirley (Sam'sWifeShirley) is south of Atlanta, but she hasn't posted recently, so I don't know if she's around.

Angie, I do wish we could all get together, but I just don't know if it's possible this time, since I'm headed out of town and then on Tuesday my little one starts preschool and then BOTH of my girls start dance and gymnastics later that day! If Cat stays another day, we might be able to figure it out - I could get together Wednesday.

I'm worried sick about ALL of you Florida folks! Frances looks quite ferocious! Fortunately, my SIL who lives in Miami is already in Missouri - now I want to hear that all y'all have bailed out too!

Praying for us all,


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God watch over all of you until this blasted storm is gone.....

I'll gladly give up my room and sleep on the couch if you can get the auto train, Cat, to N Va or otherwise get to Md. I'd have more room except the basement gets a little leaky if it rains too much. (So why did the landlord finish it if it leaks? I dunno!!).

I am worried worried worried about all y'all......

Somebody in a safe place make a list, and be central check in......

No more hurricanes, please......


Prayers always,


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My prayers go to ALL of you on the east coast!!! I rode a few out when I lived in Norfolk/VA Beach area. This one tho is going to be bad, Please be safe-NO hurricane parties please!!

CAT-I pray you and the dog make your plane safely. I hate that shelters won't take pets. I had to keep my cat in the car outside of the shelter when I was evacuated. I snuck out and checked on her often.

Prayers for all of your safety!!

Love Cindy

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Cat, Grix, Pecola and Betsplace....How are all of you doing? Are you staying or getting out of Dodge??? I have decided to stay put. I have plywood on all windows. The darkness inside this house really has my biological timeclock confused. It's now just after 3:00 and nothing seems to have changed with regards to the targeted path except that Frances decided to "wobble" a bit to the north which brought her a bit away from Grix and a bit closer to me. I can now give all of you a geography lesson, with national television to assist visually. You will see Melbourne and Vero Beach on all the maps now. I am between the two of them in the far southern end of Brevard County. They are telling us to expect 145 mph winds! I guess I will see how well my house was built after this. I'm about 10 miles inland from the coast. The really bad thing about this storm is that it is moving very slowly. With Charley, it passed over rather quickly and then was gone. Not so with Frances. Forecasters are telling us we can have these high winds (in one place) for up to 24 hours. Frances is bigger than the state of Florida and almost as big as Texas, so all Floridians will be somehow impacted by this storm.

Cat, I really hope you are outta here, as you live on the second floor. Grix, Stuart is probably closer to the shoreline than I am, so if I were you, I'd at least go to a shelter.

We're counting on all you lcbuddies to make a big prayer circle and keep us safe through this monster of a storm!!!

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Dear Cat & any others impacted by this nasty scary storm. I live in Rhode Island in a little town called Exeter. I am 30 minutes from Providence Airport and 3 miles from the Amtrak train station at Kingston, R.I. I can house people in my extra 2 bedrooms & more if need be on an emergence basis. I would love to be able to help anyone (plus Doggies) in need of shelter. Please email & we will pick you up & shelter you as long as needed. I would truly love to help. email Claire

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