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Dean Carl~


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He PM'd me his number one time, in case I needed help. I was thinking the other day I should call him . . . so I will.

The thing is, whenever I think about it, and it's a good time for him (he has limited energy just in the middle of the day I remember) I am somewhere like in the car and don't have his number with me. So I am going to write it down and call him tomorrow.

Thanks, Rochelle, for the reminder.


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Keep on hangin' tuff Dean Carl!! I think of you and Gay often....especially since you've cut back on your posts....it's worrisome. Like many others on the board....I've looked forward to your writings. Your ideas and your thoughts always reach out to touch the reader.....you have such style Dean. Please know that many, many prayers are yours for the keeping.

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Dean Carl,

I hope you can get to read this thread. We all love you so much and worry about you when we don't hear. You are in my prayers Dean Carl and if you would like I can add you to our church's prayer list...(episcopalian). I don't have your number but I want to say how much you mean to me. Your posts have really been an inspiratin to me and my life is much better for having met you. Hope to hear from you again soon.


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Like Nina, I hope Gay is able to read this thread to you.

I think you already know it, but (like the other 1400+ members here) we think the world of you--and root for you daily. I'm sorry you are not feeling as well as you might like. I hope you and Gay can take feel the love that should darn well eminate from your computer screen... :)

Thanks for calling Ry to let us know how you were doing. It means a great deal to us, as do you.


Melinda and Geoff

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Hey there Dean,

Hang in there, and I am sending you big hugs from Denmark!! You have always been a source of strength for me and my Mom (judy B) and also gave us courage. . .. thinking of you and hope you feel better soon!!

Someone please read this to Dean as I don't think I can call from here and get the time change right and all!


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Dear Dean-

I like the others am hoping someone will read these messages to you...

Please know that you have been one of my greatest inspirations on these boards... not only due to your incredibly brave fight against lung cancer, but the advice you so willingly shared with me regarding my son, Michael. I have a letter you sent to Michael printed and I keep it in my wallet as a gentle reminder of your guidance. I pray for your continued strength and courage. Thank you Dean Carl for touching my life. I hope to hear more posts from you soon. Love and Thanks, Sharon

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I'll plan to call Dean in a day or so. I've been wanting to check in with him, so I'm glad to get the "prodding" from Ry.

Also, I'll ask Gay to give me their mailing address, and I'll print out all these messages to send to them if it's okay with her. Just thought it might be easier for him to have a hard copy to read instead of having to sit at the computer. So y'all go ahead and leave your messages to Dean and Gay on this thread so they can be included. We've gotta let our favorite member know how much he's missed!


Praying for us all,


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if anyone sees this before they call Dean or if someone reads this to Dean, please give him this message for me.

Dean, I am sorry to hear that you are not up to par. But then again, you wouldn't tell us if you wasn't. I always enjoy reading your posts. I admire you for your strength and your wisdom. No matter what kind of a day you may have had, you always felt well enough to offer advice for the ones that needed it. You very seldom told about how you felt. I can not help but admire you for what you have done for the board. Hang tight buddy.

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To Dean Carl and Gay...

I pray with the rest of the crowd that this is a temporary set back and that you will come back to us, Dean Carl. You are missed, obviously by the other survivors and families, but also by me. I don't have your phone #, but if I did, I would for sure give you a hollar.

Someone mentioned that you are a favorite... I say, no doubt. Have never met you (in person) but love you anyway.

God has blessed you Dean and he continues to Bless you....just look at all of the LOVE>>>

Cindi o'h

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Kicking this back to the top, cause I want everyone to have an opportunity to post a message to Dean Carl before I print out and send them to him (assuming it's okay with him and Gay, that is!)

Dean - I know that if TBone were here, he'd be wishing you only good things. And so would ViVi, but her computer has crashed. She and I often talk about how inspirational you were to TBone during his battle with this darn disease, and that's why YOU were the one person on this board whom I called the day after he died. Just hearing your voice made things better for me. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to make things better for you.

Praying for us all,


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