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Everything posted by Ann

  1. I think these posts just go to show that we have a pretty great team here on this board. Although each of us is fighting their own personal battle, in one form or another, we still are able to stop and help someone else in need. That's very special. Helping others can really make us feel good and realize how very lucky we are. You know, some day someone will "pay it forward" and help those that have been kind to others. I'm very proud to know you guys!!!
  2. Great idea, Ginny. I love their clothes but could easily shop else where if they don't take your suggestion! I'm emailing them right now! Thanks for the heads up! You know...you're a pretty wonderful gal!
  3. So very glad that you were able to say all of the things that you wanted your Dad to hear. I am so glad you are with him right now. I'm thinking of you and saying a prayer for you and your Dad.
  4. Lorrie...so very glad the heart tests were alright. Don't ever feel the need for apologizing here about a post. I think most of us worry a lot and we all understand. Just remember that we are always here for you and this is "your" place to come for help and support!!!
  5. Ann

    Porta Cath.

    Dennis had a port and it worked wonderfully for him during treatment. While in the chemo room, he would get so upset when he would see all the "vein poking" going on and all the pain people were going through. If I ever in a position to face this monster myself, I will definitely request to have a port. I just think it makes the whole ordeal so much easier on the patient.
  6. Ann

    I'm overwhelmed

    Teri...so glad to see you up and around. I'm sure the oxygen will help the sob problem. Hospice will be able to do a wonderful job with pain control. Hospice is such a wonderful organization. I had only positive experiences with them. I made many good friends through Hospice and I would look forward to having them come in during the day. We love you so much and only want good things to come your way! Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and say a prayer! Just hang in there and don't ever give up hope!
  7. Lori...I just knew you would do a wonderful job of representing your mom. I am so very proud of you and how much courage you have! I will keep praying for you and your mom and hope you get the answer you so deserve!!!
  8. Good news, my friend!!! So very happy and relieved! I know you're feeling better!
  9. While grocery shopping over the weekend, I noticed an elderly man that seemed to be having a really hard time finding items that were on his list. I finally asked if I could help him. He explained his wife usually does the shopping but she is very ill and he has been shopping for the two of them. I was in no big hurry, so I went through the store with him, helping him find everything on his list. It turned out that in addition to being completely "lost" in the grocery store, he has a hard time seeing well enough to read the labels. I really wish I had given him my number so I could help him with this again. It really made me feel good to help a stranger. It also made me realize that I don't do this nearly enough.
  10. Ry...we don't know the sex. Mom and Dad told the doctor that they don't want to know. They want to do this the old fashioned way and be surprised. I think that's neat and I'm fine with that. When we start shopping, we'll just do lots of greens and yellows to be on the safe side. My first impulse was to refer to the baby as "she". Not sure why, as I have three boys. Maybe it's merely wishful thinking but I do have a gut feeling it's going to be a girl.
  11. I was able to read it...wow! Amazing how the mind thinks.
  12. Yes, Dee. I remember you. So very sorry to hear of your loss. Please keep in touch with us as you can.
  13. When was the last time you performed a RAK (Random Act of Kindness)for someone other than a family member? Who was the person and what did you do?
  14. Ann

    Request for prayers

    Saying prayers for Rose.
  15. Carleen...I'm also thinking of you and Keith and saying lots of prayers.
  16. Ann

    My dear Dad has left us

    Sherri, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know you and your fmaily will be in my thoughts and prayers.
  17. So very sorry for your loss.
  18. Teri, I just know that Hospice will be able to help you so much with pain management. My experience with Hospice was a very good and positive one. Please remember that some people just feel so much better after their body gets a rest from treatment. Alan and Debbie have had a wonderful year with Alan off treatment, as he needed a rest. Always know that we love and admire you. My friend, you will remain in my most sincere prayers.
  19. I got this beautiful, very unexpected picture in a beautiful frame. I'm finally going to be a grandma!!! My only regret is that Dennis is not here with me to share this wonderful news! Baby is due November 21 and I can't wait. My youngest son is getting married on November 11th and the new dad and mom are supposed to be in the wedding. This wedding has the potential to be very exciting. http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i308/ ... an0002.jpg
  20. Look what I got for Mother's Day!!! I'm going to be a grandma for the first time. My feet haven't touched the ground since Sunday morning. God is so very good. I think all of my friends here will know how very much this means to me!!! The only sadness here is knowing how happy Dennis would have been. ttp://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i308/A ... an0002.jpg
  21. Ann

    Good News....

    Please read my post in Good News Forum.
  22. Wow...think I'll go home and start teaching Tanner Dog to dance! At least, he looks the part.
  23. (((((((((((((Patty)))))))))))))) I think leaving behind a few photos in the attic is a wonderful idea. Have you thought of burying a time capsule in the yard? I have a friend that did that at her mom's house after she sold it. I know there are sites online that you can buy the actual capsule and you add your own momentos. My heart is breaking for your pain.
  24. This is absolutely hilarious!!! How many of these dances have you done??? Make sure your volume is turned up and get ready to laugh!
  25. I got this email and thought I would share it with those of you that have lost a loved one. As you can see, there are 100 free spots in exchange for offering feedback to the website. I set up a memorial for Dennis and had no problems. Site is very user friendly. Hello everyone, My name is Pavan and I'm just starting up a new service providing online memorials/obituaries. We are set to launch the service next week, but before we do, we're giving away 100 Free Accounts to 'beta-test' the site. All this means is that in exchange for your free account, we ask that you report to us any glitches or bugs with the site you may encounter, so we may correct them before the website launches. You can host a photo gallery or slideshow with unlimited photos, post obituaries with unlimited words, post at the message board and do a whole lot more at the website. If you're interested, please visit http://www.continulife.com/index.php If you'd like to sign up for a free account, click "REGISTER" and select "BETA ACCOUNT" for "Account Type". Act quickly though, we expect the 100 spots to be filled very quickly. If anyone has any questions or comments feel free to leave them at the message board, or email me at contact@continulife.com Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Pavan Continulife We Remember. Together. http://www.continulife.com/index.php
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