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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. The two of you look wonderful together! Wendy
  2. Wendy

    hoarse voice

    I actually have a different problem, my vocal cord was paralyzed from the surgery I had to remove my lung. I do know that they can repair the cord in this situation. I am sure that others have had a similiar problem and will chime in and give you some info. Best wishes, Wendy
  3. Sorry to hear about the progression. I wish you all of the best in your search for the best alternative treatment for you. I truly believe there is a magic potion out there for all of us! Wendy
  4. Sorry for jumping in a little late - however couldn't pass up a Congratulations!! Wendy
  5. Charlie, Great to hear that it was a success and your already back in the saddle! Your right, this is a long and winding journey, but so worth it. Wendy
  6. Thank you Thank you Thank you - your advise and wisdom is and always has been appreciated!! Wendy
  7. Ginny, Congratulations on finding your new home! Wendy
  8. Wendy

    Katie and Rick

    Kuddo's to both of you. This site has been a godsend to me. I cannot say enough about how nice it is to be able to connect with other lung cancer patients and caregivers and know you aren't "alone". Ask the Expert is another genuis idea that I wish every health care insurer gave their patients access too. You are both angels! Love, Wendy
  9. I had a similar experience with my voice after surgery. During my surgery I had nerve damage in my vocal cord (left side) that caused paralysis. It happens in approximately 5-10% of patients that had the entire lung removed. Basically what happens is that since my one vocal cord isn't working correctly, I need to use more air to force my other vocal cord to vibrate in order to project sound in my voice. Needless to say my voice goes up and down depending on how tired I am. Raspy, low and terribly ill sounding was my normal for a while. I was told that typically if there was damage such as mine, many times the paralysis is temporary and sometimes fixes itself in about 6 months. Mine didn't and I had a temporary fix where an ear,nose,throat doc injected my vocal cord with collagen and it helped alot. The injection usually works about 6 months. Note that I had the temporary fix not only because of the vocal cord voice problem but I was also having swollowing/major choking problems with my food because of it. My damage hasn't repaired itself on its own and I will be looking at a permanent fix here in the next month. Please know that the problem isn't a serious one if this is Joels issue, more of an aggrevating pain in the neck type of problem. On the pain killers, I coiuldn't tolerate alot of the pain medications and ended up on oxycodone (or oxycontin - cannot remember which - I tried both) and that seemed to help eliminate the extreme nausea. The other thing that I received was Zofran for the nausea. Zofran is a pretty expensive drug and they don't always give it out easily, but it the nausea continues request it. You can use the Zofran as a primary drug and then on really bad times add the compazine. Best of luck, Joel will feel better soon. Wendy
  10. I too have had the dry skin problems with Iressa. I think I have tried about 50 different products to help with the itching/dry skin from the drug. I found that neutrogenia T Gel shampoo and conditioner helped with the scalp "pins/needles" that I felt. It is a product for dandruff, psoriasis and dermatitis and helped me. The most helpful moisturizers I found was Bath and Body's shea butter products, udder cream and just tried Oil of Olay's body quencher lotion that feels great too. I think alot of it is trial and error depending on your personal skin. Good luck finding the right product for you. My own recommendation is to be patient, it does get better! Best wishes, Wendy
  11. It is always great to hear that the onc doc's work with us during the battle and agree to a little time off. The treatments are just no fun and a little breather really does help rejuvenate the soul. All the best, Wendy
  12. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mum. Wendy
  13. Ok, it wasn't my imagination! I am told I have a problem with a disk in my neck, not serious at this point more aggrevating than anything - the best part - Its not CANCER! My MRI and Pet scans came back really well. The scans showed that my vocal cord is paralyzed (which we knew happened when I had surgery), a few gallstones and the disk problem only. Yahoo, I am thankful for the scans. I will be able to sleep for a few weeks until the next ache/pain arrives. Hopefully the drugs I received today will turn things around quickly. Again, thanks for the advise! Wendy
  14. Wendy

    Cold Turkey??

    I did see this show too, the particular episode you are talking about. It was very very interesting! I will have to see what the newest season brings, thanks Donna for the info. on the show. Wendy
  15. Wendy

    Brain MRI

    Beth, Looks like I pm'ed you before I read this. Good luck with the MRI. I try to think of the tests as painless in comparison as to what we have been through and they seem to be a little less evil. Cheers to empty headed! Wendy
  16. Thanks everyone for your reply's, It is nice to know that I am not alone! I was out of town last week so I haven't caught up on all of the posts but I will do a search for Debi's in early stage that was mentioned. Of course, I did call my oncdoc and she ordered an mri/pet scan for the neck/back problems I am having. Will have results tomorrow......hopefully it's just "GETTING OLD"! Maybe I need to steal the AA saying - take it one day at a time. Wendy
  17. Wendy


    Late again, sorry I was out of town. I loved to hear your excitement in your post, I bet it felt great and was wonderful for the psyche! Each day you get closer to a little back to normal - Yahoo~ Wendy
  18. Wendy

    more good news

    Hey Cindi, sorry this is late..... Great news!! I can hear the road to recovery knocking at your door!! Wendy
  19. OK Folks, I think I have seen this subject before on here but I am really struggling right now and need some advise....... How do you stop thinking that every little ache and pain is cancer? Do you ever "get over" the fears?? It seems like every other day I wake up I have a new ache or pain and I struggle between calling the doc about the newest ache or kicking myself for blowing things out of proportion. At my last regular onc appointment I asked about "when I should worry" about a new symptom and was told not to worry unless they don't go away.........which is fine except sometimes I wonder if it is me dwelling too much or something that really needs attention. Ugh, this stinks. Any advise besides full time mental health care????? Thanks! Wendy
  20. Rochelle, Thanks for the tips. The one thing I continue to struggle with is not thinking so much about the cancer and more about life. Some days it is hard to see through the trees. I will definetly try to institute a few of your tips into life to see if it helps! Wendy
  21. Wendy

    Diabetic Cat

    Its good to here that there are other cat owners going the insulin road for the diabetes. When I was told about it I was simply floored that you ever worried about things like that! From the sounds of it, it isn't too difficult and I love the little critter too much not to do it. As far as the needles go, after all the chemo and surgery I've had.....hopefully it will be a piece of cake. Cheers, Wendy
  22. Wendy

    Diabetic Cat

    2004 was quite the medical year for my family. Geez, cancer for me early and the year - I am ending the year with a cat diagnosed with diabetes. I am not joking, I have never heard of this. Looks like I get to begin insulin shots to my loving feline friend Felix. I have now filled my medical quota for at least 10 years, right? Anyways, Cheers to a healthy and happy new year to one and all, Wendy
  23. Wendy

    Two Losses

    Ouch, this hurts. Please accept my sincere sympathies on the loss of your friends. Prayers to you and yours, Wendy
  24. Wendy

    Number of posts

    You really are the greatest! This site has definetly kept me sane the last few months!! Wendy
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