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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome, Jenny! My first comment is to bring to your attention that my wife has Stage IV NSCLC and she is a 3-year survivor. My second comment is that there are many more treatments available for BSCLC. Look at bio below and at other people's bios here. My third comment is that there is much hope and much life left. Hang in there. Don
  2. I think Leslie has given you excellent advice. You must take care of yourself and your mom where you can, so you don't crater as well. Is there anything your dad was interested in as a hobby or pastime that you could focus him on? Unfortunately, you can't help someone who doesn't want help. Your dad has much to be depressed about, but he has to want to get better, and noone can do that for him, including you. Don
  3. Don Wood

    Jamie's Dad

    Jamie, so sorry at the loss of your dad. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  4. Prayers for jorja's dad and good news. Don
  5. Glad you are back and on the mend. Now, when does the bar open?
  6. Welcome! Glad you are seeking a second opinion in a timely fashion. I agree with everyone that these symptoms should not be ignored or bandaided. Keep us posted. Don
  7. Welcome back, Mary. No experience with combo you are taking. Lucie is presently on the same schedule as you but her combination is navelbine/gemzar first week, navelbine second week, nothing third week. We can compare notes. Don
  8. Enjoy your vacation! Hope the Alimta works well for you. Don
  9. Thanks, Mark. Keep us posted. Blessings. Don
  10. Makes a whole new meaning for "delivery"!
  11. We went to see the onc today. The MRI confirmed the PET finding that her liver is now involved, as well as the numerous bone mets. So the Navelbine/Gemzar combo is right for this situation. She has had one cycle and already the pain in the abdomen near the liver has diminished some. She will have six cycles of this chemo. So far, she is doing pretty well with it. Don
  12. Darlene, Lucie had lymph node involvement as well as numerous bone mets, and now liver. She is almost 3 years out from diagnosis, with third chemo regimen going and has had numerous radiation treatments. She is still chugging along. So take heart, and have hope. Don
  13. First summer job was typist in a law office. First regular job was a chemist (really, lab technician) for Dept. of Agriculture.
  14. People do crazy things when they have cancer or have a loved one with cancer. And it is unpredictable what any response will be. Katie has given you some excellent advice. Hang in there. Don
  15. Lily, so glad all your family are okay. Yep, those who have a place to go back to are the lucky ones. All my family are accounted for and safe. Don
  16. Thanks for all your kind words on both postings. Lucie has finished her first cycle of Navelbine/Gemzar and is tolerating it fairly well. She has numerous bone mets that should respond well to the treatment. A CAT scan of her abdomen and liver did not support the findings of active tumors on her liver. Sooo, she had an MRI of the area Monday and we will go over it Friday when we see the onc. We are both doing pretty well. Don
  17. Thanks, folks, for all your kind words in both postings. It is a privilege to be here and do what I can. Lucie and I receive so much from your constant love and support. And your words are so nice on my 71st birthday! Let's all head to Cindi's bar for a celebration. I'm sure she left the key under the mat. Don
  18. Finally heard from or about all my family in the New Orleans area and all are fine. It just breaks my heart to see my city in such disarray and disaster. Don
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