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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome, Vicky! Glad to have you aboard. If God be for us, who can be against us. Blessings. Don
  2. Glad to hear Mike is doing well overall. Don
  3. Jan is NED! Jan is NED! Wonderful news! And, yes, it is great to post here. Don
  4. Geri, glad you found out the ailment and are in recovery. Yep, as a heart patient, I get in the front triage at the ER whatever my ailment. Take care and get well. Don
  5. Sunday. We went to church -- Lucie felt she was up to going. We had a restful day, went out to eat, and shared a peace cobbler a la mode for dessert! Don
  6. Good vibes for Joel. Where are you, NED? Don
  7. Jim, glad you are enjoying life. Good for you. Is it humid in SC? Glad we're not the only ones with it (LOL)! Keep on truckin' (er -- fishin')!
  8. Jane, so glad you came here and shared your plight. Feelings normal -- this group knows that. Lucie, my wife, is also Stage IV NSCLC, given 9 months, and she is just about to celebrate 3 years of survivorship. So take heart! And hope! For the first year, we road the roller coaster of treatment -- clear -- return -- treatment -- clear, etc. We are still riding that as we speak. Lucie is presently undergoing a third chemo protocol for recurrence, to say nothing of the many radiation treatments along the way. We have come to the point where we say of scans and tests -- okay, if it is clear, we celebrate, and go on; if there is something there, we go with the next treatment, and go on. This attitude has served us well. And, of course, we have all that support here on the board and with our family and friends. Best to you. Don
  9. I believe the sun does rise Though clouds may come and shade our eyes. I believe in ocean flow No matter if we come or go. I believe each one is here To make this world a better sphere.
  10. Geri, thanks for sharing that. Sounds like you have conquered the fear of other things. I like about the doctor's expression. Lucie gets that kind of reception when she goes to her neurologist or pulmonologist or GP, who only see her every several months or so. They all grin and shine when they see her still here and doing well. Don
  11. Don Wood


    Yes, Lucie gets this all the time, even from doctors other than her oncologists. For example, she sees her pulmonologist every three months or so and he just beams and marvels at her every time. We kinda like it and find it complementary, because it means she has beaten the odds. When we consider among our church family that the three women who had lung cancer diagnosed at the same time as Lucie are gone, we feel good about the label of "miracle lady". Don
  12. It is good to get all the paperwork in order. However, as to DNR, there is a caveat (warning) Lucie and I ran into. DNR is intended for the end times usually. We did not realize, with a DNR in place (as we had), that her pneumonia could not be treated aggressively. When she entered ICU two years ago with bilateral pneumonia, they eventually moved her out of ICU and into a private room to die! The DNR prohibited the staff from any heroic measures. Of course, we could override the DNR at any time. We just didn't realize it. We finally got the doctor to the side and got clear that we wanted all treatment to get her over the pneumonia. She was not dying of cancer at the time. With the proper paper signed, they moved her back into ICU and gave her the treatment she needed to recover from the pneumonia. Now we are aware and forearmed for such an occasion. Don
  13. Don Wood

    I'm back

    Welcome back, Peggy.
  14. I don't think any of us who replied to you said it was okay to smoke. What we said was, you have made your point to your loved one, and all amount of nagging isn't going to make them change. What you need to focus on now is helping that person get through the treatments, appointments, etc. That is where the energy should be put. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Fay A update

    Thanks for the update, Andrea. Fay, wishing you a speedy recovery and all good things. Don
  16. Sounds like a plan to me! Wishing this is very effective. Don
  17. Don Wood

    A Happy Day

    Yes, those are the moments!
  18. Enjoyed the sharing. Now, Lucie and I would like to share your coffee cake! We both love those. Don
  19. Well said, Ann. At first, I thought I should do everything for Lucie. Then I realized I needed to take care of myself as well and to take breaks. We talked about this and are very comfortable both of us with letting people help. Actually, to not let them do is to deny them opportunity for giving and serving. When Lucie has radiation therapy 5 days a week (not at present), we ask the people at church to sign up for taking her. This gives me a break (I drive when she is seeing the onc), and she gets to visit with these people one-on-one. Win-win all around. One woman at church when the signup list was going around asked Lucie why I was not taking her every day. Lucie said, "This is my gift to him!" That woman is now one of the drivers! Don
  20. You are very welcome here and this is the place to get support and ask questions. I really can't add anything else to what has already been well said. Focus on helping the patient through this ordeal. You've made your point, and now let it go. Don
  21. I was having dinner out with a friend some years back and eating away, as I do. He leaned over to me and said, "You're eating MY beans!" And I was! Earth open, Don drop in. Don
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