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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I agree. Be aggressive. Get a second opinion at least. Don
  2. The others have said it well. It's not about you and your caregiving. You are doing fine. Your mom is reaching out to her siblings to enjoy them while she can. Enjoy her enjoyment. Don
  3. Maryanne, thanks for sharing that. Very beautiful! How lucky you are to have had them for so long in your life. Don
  4. Don Wood

    Leg Pain

    Prayers for Rachel.
  5. Dee, no need to apologize and your feelings are normal. All else pales compared to LC when it is in your life. Lucie and I have to be very careful when people complain about various things in their lives, which are real for them, because we want to blurt out, "What's the big deal? Be thankful for what you have." But we realize it is a big deal for them, and we just support them as we can. Hang in there. Don
  6. Don Wood


    Lucie and I are working through a local cancer support organization with another couple touched by LC. The guy has SCLC, Stage IV. We have been giving them couple-to-couple support for about 9 months now. Lucie is now feeling well enough to expand our support work. So we have just this week taken on a new couple. He has NSCLC, Stage IV. We made our first contact, and will continue to keep in touch. I think it helps us both to reach out to others who are on this same road, just as we all do here. Glad Lucie is feeling up to doing this at this time. Don
  7. Since you posted this under "Just for Laughs", I presume it is okay to chuckle. Hope you mend real fast. Don
  8. Welcome, Fred. Glad to see you posting. I am in a similar situation as husband caregiver to my LC wife. We, too, believe our love has grown deeper since the diagnosis, and we would not have believed it possible. Cheers to you both. Don
  9. I think your dad would want you to get on with life and not be tied up still with his death. A good way to honor his memory is to be the best you you can be, and that means to let go of the past, move on, and remember all the good things about your dad, and tell others. I hope you can do that. I lost my dad when I was only 23, but I cherish those years and try to be a good son in his honor. It takes a long time to heal from a parent's death. I lost both my parents within 11 months, so I had to deal with grief for both of them at the same time. I survived, and you can too. I wish you well. Don
  10. Peace! So happy for you and family!
  11. I agree. It's your choice to keep working, and I believe it would be good for you. Don
  12. Sounds good to me, Cindi.
  13. Hi, Mirrell. Some people need to move on and others need to stay connected. It is an individual thing, and really up to you. If you need to be here, we are happy to have you. If you need to move on, we understand. I was overseas when my dad died, and so I missed his funeral. I came home and stayed with my mother for a while. But it took me a long time to get over his death. He has always been missed, but the pain does subside. I like to think I have made him and my mom proud, and that keeps me going. Blessings. Don
  14. Don Wood

    Dad got a letter...

    Yep, it is really up to your dad, and I am glad he thinks it is too soon for him. The red flag I see is the matter of her divorce -- just when did this happen? If it is recent, she needs time not to rebound and to get over the first relationship. I am taking this from a good friend who is divorced, remarried, and used to counsel divorced persons. He says it takes a good 1 1/2 to 2 years to get over a divorce after the DECREE. Just something to think about for your dad. Don
  15. Pam, my heartfelt sympathies. I know what it is like to lose a sister. So sad. Don
  16. I support you, Fay. What idiocy!
  17. Don Wood


    Great pair there!
  18. Congratulations, Don! A milestone indeed. Don
  19. Welcome, Sandie! Yep, Stage IV is scary, but take heart. My wife is Stage IV, was given 9 months, and is now more than 2 1/2 years from diagnosis. She has fought back the beast several times (see below) and is still going strong. Your kids have a double load -- fear of losing a second parent, and the reality of their own mortality with two parents having lung cancer. Cancer is definitely a family disease, not just genetically, but emotionally. My best to you all. Don
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