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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Sharon, I agree with you. It sounds like time for you to move on to other things and to heal. It has been a great personal gift to have known you on these boards. Godspeed and live strong! Don
  2. Don Wood

    Thank you

    Sounds like your mom has a good plan of attack. Most oncologists are non-emotional and distant -- perhaps not to get overwhelmed and to remain objective. Lucie gets her emotional support from her family doctor, but we would not trade our onc for anything -- he is very up-to-date and aggressive, and that is what we want from him. Best to you and Mom. Don
  3. Lynne, I am glad you found info and comfort here. That is the purpose of the site. My heartfelt sympathies at the loss of your hubby. May you find strength and eventually peace in your life. God be with you. Don
  4. Hi, Trish, and welcome! Sorry about Jeffrey, but as you have learned statistics don't apply to an individual. You have also learned that the caregiver must be assertive and an advocate for their patient. So you are way ahead! Lucie, my wife, was given 9 months by statistics and is now 2 1/2 years out. Hang in there and let us know how we may support you two. Don
  5. Don Wood

    Good news

    Congratulations, Pip. Good to hear. Don
  6. Glad to see your post, Dean. Best personal regards. Don
  7. I'm glad you have found someone. Prayers for his mother. Don
  8. My wife's lc was discovered because she got numbness, then pain, in her left arm and hand. One of the mets was on her upper spine, C7-T1, and caused this. She went through radiation and chemo, and has not had a problem there since, although she did lose some permanent function in her hand from the spinal damage. Best to you both. Don
  9. Lucie's first chemo was taxotere, with carboplatin. Her hair fell out, she had diarrhea, her fingernails and toenails turned black, she got a mouth fungus, she was nauseated. There were treatments for all but the hair loss, which made it better. With all that, it worked well for her and she went into remission for a while. Good luck. Don P. S. I called it "taxoterror" because it has such bad side effects, but it was effective, and that is what counts.
  10. Good perspective, Melanie. Thanks for sharing that. Don
  11. Welcome back to the USA, Stephanie. Good to see you post again. Don
  12. Love those puns! Did you hear about the butcher that fell backwards into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work?
  13. Hello back, Nell! Good to see your post. Don
  14. Sorry about the brain mets. There are many people on this site who have successfully been treated for brain mets. I wish you the best. Don
  15. CT scans are used in diagnosing mets, particularly to the bones. NSCLC as a rule responds less well than SCLC, but I wouldn't say "poorly". SC grows more rapidly than NSC, so generally is more responsive to chemo. On the other hand, there are many more chemo protocols for NSC than for SC, so there you have it. My wife has NSCLC and has responded very well to two different chemos over the past 2 1/2 years. Each person is different, though. Good luck. Don
  16. Welcome! My wife had radiation on a hip met and it was very successful. She has had no trouble with it since (about two years ago). She also had a fracture in the hip as well as pain. It has healed nicely. Don
  17. Welcome, Deb! Glad your dad is progressing nicely. Keep us posted. Don
  18. Don Wood

    update on daddy

    Congratulations on your marriage. Sounds like there are possibilties for your dad. Praying for that. Don
  19. Hang in there, Frank. Praying for options. Don
  20. Write her a letter and tell her what she means to you in specifics, recalling some good times. Don
  21. Kel, my prayers are with you and family. Don
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