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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Don Wood

    trip home

    Neat! Great idea! Don
  2. Don Wood


    Thanks for pointing that out. I had missed it. Don
  3. Very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies. Don
  4. Plaudits as well. Don
  5. Charlie, glad to hear the angioplasty and stent placements went well. I had quadruple bypass surgery 7 years ago, and have done well since. I hope the same for you. Don
  6. So sorry you lost your dad, but very glad he was able to attend your wedding. Yes, I believe he held on to be there for you. You had a lot going on at once. My dad was a college graduate, and lived to see me graduate from the same university. He died less than two years later. We cherish those moments. I wish you well in your life's journey. Don
  7. Anais, that is excellent, and so right on. Thanks for sharing it. Don
  8. Lily, thanks for sharing a beautiful reflection on your life. Very inspiring to us. I have found that the trials in my life are what have made my faith deeper, my will stronger, my love more compassionate, my service to others more meaningful. And that Spirit that has helped me do that I call God. You are one of His own. Don
  9. Don Wood

    Still NED

    Good to hear from you, Marilyn. Welcome back. NED is so cool! Don
  10. Thanks for the posting, Amy. I will pass this on to Lucie. Don
  11. Ginny, glad that worked out well for you. Don
  12. Melanie, glad you found this spot, where you can vent and get support. I can't relate to your husband's actions although I know there are others in this situation. People go crazy dealing with cancer, whether their own or a loved one, and each responds differently. I wish your husband could understand that he will regret being angry when he could have supported you in a loving way for whatever time you have together. He really needs to talk with someone -- a counselor, a friend -- and work through the anger, so he can be the loving, supportive husband you need right now. My best to you. Don
  13. Yes, M. D. Anderson is here in Houston and world renown in cancer reseach and treatment. We do not go to M. D. Anderson, but Lucie's onc was trained there and follows their protocol. Don
  14. Prayers comin'. Good to see your post and the improvement in some things. Don
  15. Celebrate! Celebrate! Dance to the music!
  16. As our onc explained it to us, Iressa was released with the contingency that an ongoing study would support the claims. The study is complete and it did not support the improvement. he says Iressa is being removed from the market. Don
  17. Glad to hear the news, Jack. Sometimes time does take care of things. Don
  18. Welcome to our little family, Denise. As I understand it, Iressa can dry the skin, and cause a rash. Don
  19. Thanks for the update, Maryanne. Usually on the chemo, the first several days are okay, then it hits. That can last over a week. The third week should be a good one. Don
  20. Hold off on the trip until you know more about the situation. Some of the bone mets, if there is pain or threat of fracture, could be treated with radiation as well as chemo. Wish you all the best. Don
  21. Hi, Melissa, and welcome. Glad you joined in. People react differently to cancer depending upon age, personality, experience, etc. Some want to know everything so they are well informed -- others only want to know what they have to know and depend solely on the doctor to do what is best. Sounds like your parents fit the latter. I believe we should respect whatever road of coping one chooses to go. You can learn a lot for them, and offer info when it is sought or the opportunity seems right. We each have our purpose on the journey. Keep us posted and let us know how we may support you. Don
  22. We went to the onc today. Lucie finished her radiation treatments on the skull last week. She has been extremely tired from the treatments. Onc wants to wait a month to give the radiation full time to work and then scan for effectiveness. Last scans still show some minor activity in the lymph nodes near the lungs, so onc wants to try another chemo. He has cooled on Tarceva because of the more recent studies with Iressa. He is back to recommending Alimta, which he had recommended as a backup during Navelbine treatment. Lucie asked to have a break so she can get to feeling more normal before trying something else. He agreed with that, so she will have at least two weeks rest if not a bit more. We are pleased. We have been going to church to a weekly dinner there for the past few weeks and it is so good to see her enjoy such activities again and to be able to do so. Thanks again for your continued love, support and prayers. It helps us both very much. Don
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