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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Old enough to remember when Veterans Day was called Armistice Day.
  2. Cary, you have my prayers. Don
  3. Thanks for the update on you all, Karen. We think about your guys. Sounds like you have a new angel in your lives. Best to you. Don
  4. If the recurrence is in the same confined place as the original tumor, it is my understanding that it is considered limited or confined. Only when it occurs in another place from the original tumor, even the other lung, is it considered metastatic. Don
  5. Don Wood


    Lucie was recently assigned a new carereceiver from the one-on-one cancer support program she is in. It was a guy with lung cancer, recently diagnosed. She talked with him on the phone about a week ago, and to his wife last night. We were going to arrange to meet them and support them couple-to-couple, since I also am a volunteer for the same organization. Well, today Lucie and I go for her chemo treatment. The nurse puts us in a room with a guy also getting chemo. We trade pleasantries. Then the guy hears the nurse call Lucie "Mrs. Wood". He says to Lucie, "Did she call you Mrs. Wood? Are you Lucie Wood?" "Why, yes!" says Lucie. "Well," he says, "I'm your carereceiver!" While he and Lucie got their chemo, the four of us (the guy, his wife, Lucie and I) have an hour visit. Turns out he has the same med. onc. as Lucie. Well, what do you think? Coincidence? Don
  6. Vent away, Mary! Yep, it seems like that at times that they find one thing after another. Hey, but it hopefully all gets fixed. Best to you. Don
  7. Sorry, Frank, but Ken and Barbie were never married -- just friends. And if you ever saw Ken in the nude you would know it was nothing more than that. LOL.
  8. Don Wood

    Quick Update

    My prayers are with you all, Elaine. Don
  9. Glad you got legal advice and are challenging these unfair practices. My prayers are with you. Don
  10. Don Wood

    Pet Scan

    Great news! Congratulations!
  11. Wow, Curtis, what a bright little girl you have. And I know she is a comfort to you, too. Don
  12. Super! Of course, you can brag!
  13. Barbara, welcome to our forum. It is normal to be depressed over having cancer, even if it has been removed. You do need to reclaim some normalcy in your life -- do things you enjoy -- to keep from a deep depression. It is good to have a friend to talk with so you can express your emotions, whatever they may be at any given time. You can do that here, of course, and we will support you, but there is nothing like a face-to-face friend to vent with. You are not the person you were before cancer -- the cancer has changed all that. What we all have had to do is accept that and build a new life, hopefully a better one where we are stronger, more giving, deeper. Good luck, and keep us posted. Let us know where we can support you. Don
  14. Don Wood


  15. Hi, Linus, and welcome to the forum. Yep, it is unusual to have lung cancer and it not be in the lungs, but it does happen. My wife has Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer, with mets to various bones. No tumors showed up in the lungs. It was not until they got enough sample of the cancer from her leg bone that they determined it was lung cancer. Her main bone met was a large tumor on her upper spine at the C7-T1 area. The docs surmize that the main tumor in her left lung moved over to the spine area next to it. The first time a tumor in the lung was detected was last June when a small tumor appeared in her right lung. There are cases of cancer where the primary location is never determined, so at least they were able to tell in your mom's case that it is lung cancer. Best to you and your mom. Don
  16. Elaine, best thing is to click on their website and explore. Don
  17. Glad they published such an article -- could reach a lot of newbies and be helpful. Of course, to the crew here -- we could have written it! Don
  18. I have been taking JuicePlus for several years now as my supplement.
  19. Donna, I celebrate the one year anniversary with both of you. Congratulations! Don
  20. My prayers are with you both. Don
  21. Xena, so sorry you lost your dad and so quickly. My heartfelt sympathies. Don
  22. Tammy, it probably is residual from the radiation treatments. Lucie had radiation of her upper spine, and it did a number on her throat, although inspection by the scope didn't really show much. She felt like it was hard to swallow at times. It has improved with time. Don
  23. Melanie, love your humor! And I, too, am glad you have decided to get on with the treatment, just to be sure. I have seen the hand of God throughout this ordeal with us, so I can identify with that. Glad you are here with us. Don
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