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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. I reported earlier that the pulmonologist had ordered a CT scan and an x-ray of Lucie's chest area because of her getting out of breath easily. He reported last week that everything looked normal -- no red flags. Well, today we went to the oncologist with the scans and he said the same thing -- normal scans, no red flags! Lucie just completed the fifth cycle of Navelbine today and will be off next week. One more cycle (2 treatments) and a PET scan will be in order. Things do look good and Lucie is feeling pretty good. She's a trooper! Don
  2. Don Wood

    I'm Home!

    Welcome home, Elaine. Don
  3. Did you see Elaine's post on this forum re ribeye steak? It is essentially the same deal as yours. Don
  4. Love that hat! I like bright things. Don
  5. Ann, so sorry you folks in Florida had to endure 4 of those things in a few months, but glad you have survived. I was in 4 hurricans in my lifetime -- one in New Orleans, one in Baton Rouge, and two in Houston, but they were spread out over my life. As it says, we are stronger and better, if we survive. Not unlike cancer in our lives. Blessings. Don
  6. I'm still glad to be a man.
  7. Don Wood

    Mom is with Jesus

    Kim, my heartfelt sympathies at the loss of your mom. She was a grand lady. I have prayed for y9u and your dad. Hang in there. Don
  8. Welcome, Patrice. Glad you have joined us. Don
  9. Welcome, Joe, to our little family here. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. Yes, I am old enough to remember it all. Never quite got the hang of the hoola hoop, though. Don
  10. Shelly, your priority is in the right place, and you are a good caregiver to your sister. My prayers are with you both. Don
  11. Prayers for your stepdad, you and family. Don
  12. Fabian, be aware that your mom could get dehydrated easily, so she needs to keep up her liquid intake. She also needs constant nourishment so she can fight thiese disease. We found that snacks every two hours instead of 3 meals a day worked better, and it kept the nausea down. Best to you. Don
  13. Great news, Deb! And so soon in the treatment. Don
  14. Great news, Kel. May it all be good. Don
  15. Don Wood

    Hey Dr. Joe!

    Great picture! Thanks for letting us see you and your family. Don
  16. Don Wood


    Confucius say, if man does not change burned out lightbulg, he becomes dim wit.
  17. Just the bare facts, Curtis!
  18. Don Wood

    Elaine 2000

    Our own Elaine has passed the 2000 posts mark. Congratulations, Elaine, and many thanks for your continued support to all of us. Don
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