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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Welcome, DeDe! I hope you will stay with us. David was a very valued part of our family here, so we will miss him also. I have lost both my siblings, so I know the pain of that loss. I wish you and your family well. Don
  2. "Chariots of Fire" (run for your life) Don & Lucie: Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward
  3. My understanding from the miedical community is that 10 years out without recurrence was considered "cured". Some docs have updated this notion to "once having cancer, never completely out of the woods". To me, it's knowing that and getting on with life. The more time out, the less likely it would occur. With surgery, if the surgeon truly "got it all" and we could be certain of that, then we could say, "cured". But that is difficult when the start of a tumor can be a group of cells that is initially undetectable. NED, or no evidence of disease, is the next best thing to "cured" in my book. I'll take it. Don
  4. My wife has had several PET scans in her two years, and it has been very helpful in tracking her cancer. However, it is not perfect -- there can be false positives, such as healing spots where bone mets are. I would opt for doing the scan. Don
  5. I hope not, because I yawn a lot!
  6. His name is Dean Carl, and at last post he was fine. Don
  7. Gail, what great news -- NED! Have a great cruise! Don
  8. Welcome, Cathy. You'll find a lot of folks here who have been there and understand. Look forward to your posts. Don
  9. There were two bulls on a hill looking down at a herd of cows. The young bull says, "Let's run down and have one!" The old bull says, "Let's mosey down and have them all!"
  10. I agree with Fay -- you need diversions of your own, or you will collapse from the weight. We all need breaks. Prayers for you and your mom. Don
  11. Don Wood

    cancer free

    Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! Celebrate!
  12. Welcome, Sandy! Glad you are here. Don
  13. Thanks for the update, David. Sounds hopeful. Best to you. Don
  14. Don, I posted other places earlier, but it seemed approriate to post here as well. You were a good son to your mom and you made her real to us here on the board. I wish you peace and time to heal. The void is never filled and it will continue to hurt from time to time, but it will get better. Continue to be the good son and be the best you can. That will be a tribute to your mom. Don
  15. Don Wood

    David A

    David was a good cyber friend. He was a key contributor here. I will miss him terribly. My heart goes out to his family. Don
  16. Don Wood

    David A

    I am so saddened. Don
  17. Angie, take the time you need. We'll be here. Don
  18. Yeah, three cheers for us oldies!
  19. Don Wood

    David A Update

    Thanks, Ry. David is in my prayers. Don
  20. Sounds good, Charolette. Blessings. Don
  21. Welcome, Jasmine. Good to heave you here. Don
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