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Don Wood

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Everything posted by Don Wood

  1. Cheryl, glad to see you back. I pray for your continued healing. Don
  2. Becky, bummer! Sorry the Iressa didn't work. Hoping you find a trial or some treatment that will do the job. Hang in there. Don
  3. Hi, Paddy! A great big welcome to our board family here! Have a great holiday! Look forward to your posts. Don
  4. Deb, I am saddened by the passing of your dad. I am so sorry for you and your family, particularly at this time of year. I am glad to hear he was home and in no pain. I hope you will stay with us here and let us help where we may. My heart goes out to you and your family. Don
  5. Kim, I am so sorry you lost you mom, and at this time. I hope you can find some joy through your children right now. Keep in touch so we may help you. Don
  6. Peg, right after Lucie finished chemo in May, she got a new bone met on her sacrum and had to have radiation on it as it was hurting. It has since disappeared. She has had rib mets come and go, and has a small spot on one rib right now even taking Zometa. I can't explain it either. She has no cancer in the lungs right now. It sounds like mostly good news on your end and for that, I am grateful. Enjoy your holidays. Don
  7. Thanks, J. C. Back at ya! I have printed this out for Lucie. We have had many angels watching over us this year, both celestial and terrestrial. How blessed we are. Don
  8. Amen! Reflecting back, we have had many Christmases this past year, with all the love and support and little things dhown our way. How blessed! Don
  9. "Stable" is a good thing. "Shrinkage" is a good thing. Thanks, Teet, for the great news. Good to see you posting again. Have a great holiday! Don
  10. Merry Christmas to all and a very happy New Year. Don
  11. Jen, so sorry your mom is in the hospital again on a holiday. I hope you can find some small joy, perhaps through your kids. Last year this time, Lucie was in ICU with systemic staph infection and I cried all day. We did not expect her to be here for Christmas this year -- and here she is! All healthy! So don't give up hope and faith. Blessings. Don
  12. Carleen and Keith, I am very happy at the news of stability. Have a happy Christmas. Don
  13. As far as I am concerned, you are very welcome here. Glad you got all that off your chest. You have plenty to cope with. I am glad you have the one bright light in your life -- your daughter -- to look forward to. My prayers are with you. Don
  14. Kim, thanks for the update on your mom. I am so sorry things have turned out so bad so quickly. My prayers are with you all. Don
  15. Don Wood


    Shirley, very well said! And it is a good time to say it. Merry Christmas! Don
  16. This is definitely the place to post such good news! Have a great Christmas! Don
  17. All's well that ends well! Thanks.
  18. Very well said, Lillian. All I can add is the caveat that the caregiver needs to care for him/herself as well, so the energy is there to help the loved one. I hope, Lillian, that you find some joy in the coming of the King on Thursday, as painful as it is right now. Blessings. Don
  19. My prayers are with you both. Don
  20. Prayers your way. Don
  21. My wife wore turbins and a floppy canvas hat as well as the wig. She felt the wig was too hot, but that probably isn't a problem in winter. Another thing you might consider -- when my wife's hair started falling out, she had her head shaved so she had one trauma over it instead of days or weeks with it falling out. Best wishes. Don
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