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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. Great pictures ! Hope you also enjoyed my home town, Bean Town! Thanks Kasey. Donna G
  2. Great pictures. I wonder where that town got it's name? Donna G
  3. adult stem cells have been used very successfully to cure disease. Embryonic stem cell on the other hand have caused cancer and have not cured any diseases www.cbhd.org/resources/stemcells/mcconc ... -06-16.htm - 17k www.lifenews.com/bio984.html - 18k I hope Obama reads the literature before he encourages more money being spent fruitlessly. Donna G
  4. Hi Carl, welcome. Sounds like you must have had good lung function and health for them to decide to do the surgery on 2 lobes. As above I agree, Chemo is a good idea to be sure any loose cells don't decide to nest in a new lobe of lung and grow. There are lots of meds available to help you with any possible side affects, chemo does usually not take more than a couple of months . So if your meant to live to 100, that is nothing in the scheme of things. Keep us posted. Donna G
  5. Hi Karen. Again I say , we do know how stressful this time is. Lots of tests, lots of doctors, finding out what the plan will be, getting started. Yes, many of us end up on anti depressents to get through this. Any plan set up yet? I had a tumor in my upper right lung , way up in the apex. They call it a Pancoast tumor ( named after a Doctor Pancoast who descibed the symptoms it causes) Several other here have had the same. Read my story below. On 12/3 I will be celebrating 11 years since I was told I had lung cancer !!!!! Keep us posted. Donna G
  6. I really loved my Onocologist. He always had time to listen to me and answer my questions. I frequently saw him during my chemo. I just read an article on the best doctors for women. Dr. Duane was listed at the top of medical onocologists! At that time when I was going to him he also taught Onocology at the UofM so I am sure he was up on all new studies etc. Donna G
  7. O Connie! Big HUG (just don't give me that cold back) Prayers going up for a better tomorrow. Donna G
  8. Lady Harley, welcome. This is a tough road but it sounds like You are responding well to your ride! Keep us posted. Donna G
  9. I am so happy for you Mary Ann. Great news . I was just thinking I should call for a "meeting" of us Pancoast tumor survivors, wondering how everyone was. I tell you all our treatment and surgery we had really wipes you out. My 2 broken ribs have never healed so at times I am conscious about them. I signed up at Curves , trying to get some stamina back. The good news is I will be an 11 year survivor in December! Thanks for keeping us posted. Donna G
  10. Lots of mention of lung cancer and this hopeful article in Parade Magazine that comes in our Sunday newspaper. http://health.msn.com/health-topics/can ... =100218300 Donna G
  11. Donna G


    Sorry to hear that you got the "cold" that is going around. My husband brought it home to me from his golfing trip and his friends there had shared it with him. Heard on TV that we will have about 50 varieties of cold viruses in our lifetime. I know your busy with all that is going on , make sure you get some good rest and plenty of fluids. Donna G
  12. Katie I am so happy for you. I hope you know that all of us here only know each other and can support each other because of your efforts on our behalf, and thank you so much. So glad that others recognize your efforts also. Donna G
  13. Welcome Liz. Sorry to hear about your partner. The kids are still young, are they upset? Sounds like he is responding well to his chemo. Shadow I bet is a big help during this difficult time. Dogs seem to know our feelings and want to help. Keep us posted. Donna G
  14. I was 5'9", now they tell me I am 5' 81/2". I have Sclolisis so maybe if my back was straight I am really 6 feet tall! My mother was 5'2, Dad 6'5. Donna G
  15. Welcome Molly. Clots are not uncommon when someone has lung cancer. Most of us get tired with Chemo and it is great if someone is available to pick up the slack as help with laundry, shopping, fix meals, rides to clinic etc. Keep us posted Donna G
  16. Welcome, hope we can help. Don't know about cooling caps. I lost most of my hair on my body but my grey hair hung in there. There's great wigs now. It is temporary . I did not mind not shaving my legs for months! That was great. Keep us posted about your Mom. Donna G
  17. Hello, as Connie says we all know how difficult it is when you are told you have lung cancer. Glad to hear you were able to have that tumor in your lung removed surgically. Also glad to hear they are going right after that thyroid. I did not have thyroid cancer but at the time I was diagnosed they found I was Hyperthyroid. I had a chemical wype out of my thyroid. Now because of this I do have to take Syntroid. There could be loose cells so the idea to zap them now with chemo sounds good to me. Like Connie says they have really good nausea meds , and generally you don't have as many problems as years ago. Keep us posted, Donna G
  18. HI Jim. Sounds like you are doing good. That first 6 months is tough. No one talked to me about Staging but following the explaination I think I was IIB. Soon I will be celebrating 11 years of survival! Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
  19. Sounds very interesting, I think they are saying they may detect lung cancer before a tumor gives symptoms or perhaps it can be seen on CT? Sounds like early detection to me. Wonder how much more research is needed to make it a valid screaning tool. Donna G
  20. See my story below. I think now after having had lung cancer I appreciate life more than ever, I have more first hand knowledge of what it is like for people when they are told they have cancer ( helps as I am a nurse) I hope it has made me a stronger and better person. Donna G
  21. Donna G

    Pink Month

    This morning they showed the White House lit up in pink and interviewed Mrs Bush about it. Donna G
  22. The most common places for a cancer to spread to are Liver, Lung , Bone and Brain Donna G
  23. Jamie I am so sorry. You work so hard but nobody said this would be easy! I really wish you would tell your story to Oprah and with others from this board ( please tell your story) we may have one more avenue for National attention. I sent my story to her at her web site, Connie B said she did also. We are real people , not just statistics. Remind Oprah that Novemeber is lung cancer awareness month. She had a show this month for Breast cancer. Lung cancer is estimated to kill 90,810 men this year, and to kill 71, 030 women . ( breast cancer to kill 40,460 women) http://www.oprah.com/contactus Donna G
  24. Welcome Jody. Sounds like you've had a great team of Doctors. I have several friends that have beat the odds. In December I will celebrate 11 years myself. No one spoke stages to me but I guess I was at least IIB Donna G
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