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Everything posted by missyk

  1. I actually cheered his first show back on NBC! I pray he rebounds and is with us a long time to come!!!
  2. missyk

    Waiting to exhale

    I'm in tears, too, soooooooooooooo happy for you Kasey!!! You're WONDERFUL! And Yay! for spring planting!! Mom always enjoys it so much, too! XOXOXO
  3. Thanks for posting this. I saw on the news last night that he'd passed and knew of the work he'd been doing in raising awareness for all kinds of cancers. Many prayers and many thanks to his family for allowing us to share not only in his life on the track, but in his journey with cancer, too. And awww crap...I'd NOT heard that Benny was in ICU. Crap crap crap! Sending prayers his way, too!
  4. It's early yet...just found out, actually...but you guys are so much like family I just had to share. I'm pregnant! LOL My daughter will be 8 in April and this wasn't "planned" at all...but we're happy. Mom is in her glory and said I must have planned it because I know she can't go anywhere when she knows there's a new baby on the way!
  5. Seems like Katie has you covered on the ins and outs...and I have nothing more to offer there (She's awful good at what she does!) But I'm sending lots of prayers and good vibes that you get this all straightened out soon so you and your mom (and dad) can take a nice deep breath and have a moment of peace!!
  6. Does your hospice offer the help of a social worker? If they do...get ahold of her (usually it's a woman) and ask for her help in understanding the ins and outs of the program. We did that when Mom was using hospice. As far as ER goes, here, we weren't "allowed" it, either. We were to call the hospice nurse on call and she would "take care of things". When Mom chose to have the SRS again this last time, hospice ended services (for now) because it's considered "life extending". When/if she needs the services again, they'll be back. I'm sorry you're having to go through all this confusion! Many prayers for you and John!
  7. If you read down through Mom's history below you'll see why I sometimes quip that she's the "clotting queen". It's terrifying and there have been times when even she figured it was a clot and just let it go and go until it was causing serious issues for her...never cluing US in that there was a problem. You can't know, at all times, what's going on inside her body. So, as everyone else has said...give yourself a break on that one. As far as clotting goes...Mom is either clotted up or running thin, usually. We've come to see it, as time's gone on, as just part of how SHE reacts to all the stuff they're doing to her. It takes some time to get used to "the new normal"...but somehow you do. Many prayers for you and your family...
  8. This is going to sound REALLY strange (at least it did to us while Mom was going thru it) but Mom was able to eat the burger part out of a very LARGE CHAIN HAMBURGER PLACE even when she could no longer eat the bread. So, maybe you can try the cheeseburger...just try it without the bread?
  9. missyk

    Gallows humor

    Oh Geri how I LOVE this topic!! My family is so FAR from serious most of the time it can make people wonder!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mom:(Calling me to remind me of plans for Christmas) "I have a brain tumor" Me: You DO???? +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mom: Well, hospice came and took everything out. Me: Why? Ya not dying fast enough or something? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Mom relaxing, getting a foot rub from her hospice aide before they pulled out (because she wasn't dying fast enough! LOL) I walk in, look at the aide and say "You know, the ONLY reason she got lung cancer was to get her legs and feet rubbed. We got tired of doing it!" As you can see...we TRY to have a good time. Granted, there are always times that the sadness takes over...but usually, around here, the laughter follows quickly again!
  10. Because of all the statements about not liking the words for the lower anatomy of women... My best friend's mother used to use "middle possible". We've never been able to explain it and her mother died many years ago so we can't even ASK now... And Maryanne...that's just funny!!!
  11. missyk

    I got a job!

    Congratulations!!! I used to joke with Mom that the only reason she "got lung cancer" was to get the leg and foot rubs from her hospice aide! LOL Wishing you all the best and that the families you work with are wonderful, too! xoxo
  12. "The New Normal" (that's how I always see it in my head when I say it ) is about the worst thing I've ever dealt with...yet has been a blessing. It has taught me, as it seems to have helped you to see, that *I* can't fix the world, as much as I'd like to and that sometimes it IS ok to slow down and just live life one day at a time and ENJOY it!! And yes...I believe everyone touched by this disease ends up being a "survivor" in a way, too. Many prayers for you and your mom!
  13. Danielle... Welcome! As you've seen from being around a lil while, there's no better place for support, information, and caring around!! I just have to say, the dr's telling your mom "inoperable and incurable" made me bristle. (But I do that sometimes ) The first words that were said to me that really sunk in here were these: There is NO 0% survival!! And there is ALWAYS hope! My mom was told she's be lucky to see a year when she was first diagnosed...in May of '05. She's fighting, her dr's are fighting with her, and so are we (including the people of this board!) her family! Welcome, again, to the family. Let us know how we can help you if you need it! And remember, there is always hope!
  14. missyk

    Great news!

    Yay yay yay!!! Good for you!!! Congratulations on day 6! Definately good news! And Good luck!
  15. ((Kasey)) Many prayers for a quick recovery from what you're dealing with right now (hives suck! and muscle strains are the pits!! Plus pnumonia? Sheeh woman!) Also kicking in prayers for wonderful scan results when ya get to them. Remember, I'm here to give someone/thing any butt-kicking that's needed
  16. Most of the ones I find offensive are generally thought of that way by most people (I couldn't believe when I heard "d**k" and "t*ts" on ER one week )... I think the one that gets me is "snot". *Shudders* It just sounds gross.
  17. Talk about a plateful, Heather!! First...take a DEEP BREATH and let it out slowly. Ok, now we can work on this. I'm sure more will come along with better ideas, but I can give you a start, at least. Is there hospice involved at all? Can they come in? (I know there are limits to when/if they can come in that do with prognosis) Have you thought about looking into respite care? I know there are organizations around that are able to help out in getting someone in there to give you a break at least for a little bit now and again. YOU need to get some time to take care of YOU!! Even if it's just a few hours a week to sit and read a book, walk in the park or at the mall, just see other people who aren't necessarily involved in this part of your life. My heart aches for you, hun and I wish I was more help. Know I'm praying for you and your family and that I'm sure someone will be along soon to give you more ideas or more information on those I've put out. xoxoxo
  18. I work for our local school district and have had the pleasure of getting to visit the classroom of our first-year language arts teacher for the 7th grade recently. She was doing an activity with her students regarding the Readers Digest Word Power Challenge and one of the words that they came across was "abut". She was uncertain of the exact meaning of the word and saw a wonderful teaching opportunity so she looked at one of her students and said... "Johny, please go look up abut." *Giggles* Have a WONDERFUL New Year Everyone!!!
  19. Alright...here's one I've not seen on here yet (though I'm sure at some point it's probably been discussed). Mom lost A LOT of weight since we began this battle. Something to the tune of about 60 lbs or so. Her clothes hang on her. I've told her a few times she should at least get some new pants so that they don't fall off of her when she's up walking around...but she won't. She absolutely refuses to go get some clothes that fit!!! I personally don't care if she's looking a little rough around the edges, she's earned the right. But Mom's always been one to have "nice" clothes and look good when she's out and about and I think it might feel good to have something that fits correctly. If I were able to do it financially, myself, I'd go buy her an outfit or two. Then again, I don't wanna tick her off by doing something she doesn't want done. Any ideas?
  20. The cheering section is going here, too! Hopefully she'll bounce back quickly and be at it again soon!
  21. *Giggling at Don* And Merry Christmas to everyone, too!
  22. I'm assuming it means that at one time you had to pay a tax to have windows installed in your home. I can see how that would bring about the term "daylight robbery"!!!
  23. When I still worked in the nursing home I'd put on my Santa hat and stop by each resident's room and ask if they'd like to hear a carol...and then sang it for them if they had a favorite! I am sometimes glad that the hearing wasn't the best in the world with some of the carols that they had me sing! But I always enjoyed it and still love those songs
  24. Please, will you join me in celebrating Sue's (sues) 57th birthday? This is the second birthday she's seen since diagnosis and showing no signs of slowing down!! Thanks to all of you for all your help, encouragement, love, and support. Who knows where we'd be if not for all of you. xoxo
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