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Everything posted by shelliemacs

  1. I was on hold but my call was never taken. I was going to plug LCS4C but I did not get Larry to pick up. I was on hold for two hours too. but I am glad that now maybe with such a prominent person in the daily spotlight, more will be talked about and more research will be given and that Spiral CT scan will be a common test for anyone who is at risk.
  2. This is WONDERFUL news. I am THRILLED for you.
  3. my deepest sympathies to you. i am so sorry.
  4. she sounds very wise. i think she will always carry her grandfather with her.
  5. Angie, i just can't respond properly yet because I am too torn up from your post. I will try again tomorrow. shelly
  6. well dave, i don't hear any fat lady singing so this is NOT the end of the battle. keep fighting the good fight.
  7. Lori, first of all I am terribly sorry that you lost your dad. You seem to have allot going on and that you do need help with it. that being said, I am not sure you completley understand what being an executor means. You do represent the estate but in as far as it is your responsibility to carry out the wishes of the will to the law and not to make the changes as you see fit. The beneficiaries under the will besides yourself can file claims against you for Fiduciary Irrisponsibility as well as other charges if you take issues upon yourself to change. Another thing is you have to first go to court to have the will submitted to probate and then you have the legal rights to distrubute the assets. Until that time as a judge appoints you your pretty much nothing to the estate. Your brother who is also a beneficiary can challenge you in court if you drag you feet in opening the estate. You then have 7 months from the date the estate is opened to wait until all possible claims against the estate are submitted before it can be re-submitted to the court showing all bills are paid and all assets are distributed and all final taxes are paid. then the judge will sign the petition to settle the estate. I am not trying to upset you at all and if I did I apoligize. You sound very angry and it seems that it is bothering you more than your mom or brother. Let it go....you will never change them to be what you want them to be. Its only tearing you apart. They are not you and never will feel what you do. let it go, stay away from them if you have to. But for your own health and sanity detach yourself from the anger and live your life. You only get one go around and its short enough. I understand your grief. I lost both parents 9 months apart. but somehow you have to take care of you, no one else will do it.
  8. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my mom. She would have been 64 today. My dad would have been 60 tomorrow. I miss you so much.
  9. Melanie, CALL YOUR DR. RIGHT NOWWWWWWWWW! any pain should be checked and itching is definitely a reaction. maybe the wrong pills inthe wright bottle. call call callllllllll
  10. i completely understand. I lost my mom and dad 9 months apart to Lung Cancer and the day we burried dad my sister was dx. with breast cancer. I was just going through the motions of living from january 2003 until just a few weeks ago when my sister finished chemo. i lost mom in august 2003 on my birthday. dad i lost in june 2004. There is no magic words or ways to make you cope, you just do, you just sit on the bus and ride through it without making any major life altering decisions along the way. someday you get off the bus and try to stand up after sitting all that time. thats what I am trying to do now. hold on tight, you will get through this.
  11. I am just overwhelmed with sadness right now. Angie I am so beyond sorry right now. I wish I had words of comfort to offer. I hope there is a afterlife and your dad met my parents and they are sharing pictures of their daughters right now. I just can't believe he is gone.
  12. my mom also had hyPERthyroid upon dx. after years of hyPOthyroid condition. she did have the iodine treatment as well. I now have hyPOthroid and do not wish to follow in my moms footsteps.
  13. This is FAN_FREAKING_TASTIC news that dave has nothing between the ears except good grey matter. its miller time!!!!
  14. a big warm unfortunate welcome to you. There is no greater shock than learning your mom has cancer. I learned that lesson all too well in January of 2003. Unfortunately my mom had really no fight to live in her and I lost her in August of 2003. Then in January of 2004 my dad was diagonosed with Lung Cancer also and I lost him in June of 2004. THen the day we burried dad my sister was diagonosed with cancer as well. Sh though, different from my parents has a fighting spirit and has finished chemo and is doing well. Your mom may or may not change her mind as her treatment progresses. If she looses her hair she may tell people. She probably isn't ready to face it yet. Imagine how overwhelming it is for her to hear this news. I never got my parents to talk about their cancer. They were afriad to their cores I believe but saw how FREAKED out I already was and unfortunately I was not one they could talk openly about their fears with. Be there for her. Listen to her. Go to her doctors appointments with her and become her medical advocate. Know what the doctors are talking about and research what treatments they will give her so you know the side effects and how to help her through them. Getting informed will be your best weapon against fear of the unknown. The first few weeks of knowing about this are horrid and we would not wish it on anyone. But once the treatment starts, you get to a point where you can at least take a breath. Until you hear the tern NED. ( no evidence of disease) you will have anxiety, but with acceptance of the condition, the immense fear subsides somewhat. we are always here for you and your family and especially your mom for questions, prayers or just to vent.
  15. I too am sorry. I had both mom and dad with LC and the day we burried dad my sister was dx.'d with breast cancer. It isn't fair. and it IS overwhelming. there is no way out other than through it. Your stronger than you know already. I too doubted faith and still do sometimes. Rely on yourself and your husband right now.
  16. my mom was given the steroids to reduce brain swelling and take care of side effects. once she started them, her appetite increased and her symptoms of brain mets dissappeared.
  17. welcome joyce. its good your mom has no symptoms. I am not sure of her stage either eith the mets. I would guess 3 or 4 but I am only guessing. I have no experiance with CTS as mom and dad both got treated locally. I know people here have gone there though. If your parents choose to ignore the dx. there isn't anything you can do. Its good she is doing chemo. But if she isn't going to care about her own health, nothing you can say or do will change their minds. welcome to the board though.
  18. I would be LIVID at that person who told you you had mets and go back and kick his butt. but a big WHEW on the seriuos doubt of mets. lets hope you just have really bad gas.
  19. I am so sad about this. I am so sorry about this. the pain seems undelieveable right now. without upsetting you, when mom and dad passed in the few minutes after they went, a feeling of "its over" came over me and grief replaced unending fear. It wasn't that it was a better feeling, but worry was all gone in just a second and the end was calm. my prayers are with your family
  20. add me to the group. Since both parents died in last 16 months from LC and sister now has breast cancer. I too am convinced I have cancer that just has not been diagonosed. I have ached and pains and I am sure they are tumors and won't tell my husband because he will think I am crazy. Just yeaturday I confided in a co-worker that a pain I have had for a while that is behind my right shoulder and radiates through to my right chest must be a huge tumor that is probably LC and I am terrified. I go to the dr. 3/23 and I am bringing it up and maybe he will order a chest x-ray. could be a pulled muscle but I need to know.
  21. Lisa, my prayers are with you both, your mom is strong, she will pull through this. just like her daughter.
  22. Beth, I am thrilled that you have energy. Something has to be working.
  23. Steph, wow wow wow, i am living the same hell. I miss my mom terribly. we burried my mom on my birthday and I ended up not celebrating it anymore. It has been 16 months since I lost my mom and 8 months since I lost dad. the overwhelming depression, and utter sadness comes in waves. I tried unsuccessfully for the last 3 weeks to come off the anti-depressants thinking I just had to grow up, face it and stand on my own again, but alas I failed miserable at it and last friday I started on the anti-depressants again. I don't know when it will start to feel better, maybe it never will, maybe we just have this huge scar over our hearts and we learn to live with it and in that state or "never quite reaching happiness" I really don't know. It hasn't happened for me yet to smile with ease, or laugh without sadness thinking mom sure would have loved this or that. now I am just going through the motions and everyone tells me one day happiness will come back, maybe we will get there together, ps I not only moved back to moms city, i bought her house thinking it would ease my guilt of living away for so long and that maybe I would feel comfort or feel her around. boy was I wrong. house is going on the market in the spring if I have anything to say about it.
  24. add me to the group hug. Its an awful hole that just can't be filled. I get that same anger and non-understanding feeling. Why our parents? I can't answer that either. I too live trying to get to the next minute and then day. I still have allot of anger, and pain and I keep waiting for the joy to return or a smile to come easily.
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