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Everything posted by natalie

  1. Andrea, Thanks for being such a good friend. Love ya.
  2. Stephanie, I don't even know what to say, I'm in shock. I'm so sorry. Please email me or call if you need to talk.
  3. I noticed that Sue M's picture was posted on your project. I didn't realize that she passed away. When did this happen?
  4. Oh my gosh Rick...I am just speechless. I am moved to tears. Can I have my mom included please? http://members16.clubphoto.com/natalie7 ... 1ff6.phtml Let me know if you need me to send it to you in an email as an attachment. Her name was Claudine Pritchard. I miss her so much. She was one in a million and the best mother I could have asked for. I only hope I can be half of what she was to others.
  5. Andrea, I am so glad to hear the good news! I hope you take a couple of days to take care of yourself and recuperate from the stress you've been going through especially this past month. Give your mom a big hug from me!
  6. I read somewhere that a doctor can't say someone is technically in remission until the cancer has been gone for 5 years. I don't know if it's a legal issue or what.
  7. natalie

    Missing my dad

    Sorry, I thought I was logged in. the post above is from me...Natalie
  8. Andrea, I'm here for you, praying for you, crying with you. I hate this disease so much.
  9. Sorry Deanna, this was me, I thought I was logged in. PM me if you want to vent. Natalie
  10. Jenny, I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to watch your mom decline in her health...it's just gut wrenching and shocking. I hope you can find some comfort knowing that you have been the most loving, supportive daughter to your mom.
  11. Hi Linda, Is your Dad on steroids for his brain mets? A doctor told us that the steroids cause muscle deterioration and makes you loss muscles in your legs and even the muscle in between your thumb and index finger. When he showed us, it made complete sense. Andrea is right...never give up hope!!! Prayers are being said for you!
  12. natalie


    Berisa, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Since everything is still fresh for me, I can relate to your words and fears. There was some supernatural thing that got me through everything and now I look back and think to myself, "wow, how the heck did I get through watching my mom go through that?!". Something helps you get through it, I don't know what it is, but I was stronger than I ever thought I was. Now, I'm slowly accepting the fact that my mom is gone. I think that our time on earth is predetermined so I try to tell myself that it was meant to be that my mom's life was cut short. As angry as it makes me that my mom is gone at 56, I'm not in control of my mom's fate. I believe in miracles Berisa and if I were to give you advice, I'd say to not think too far ahead of what "might" happen. Just live day to day and come here for support. You never know what could happen. I will say special prayers for your Dad. You are a great daughter and you should be very proud for everything you are doing for your Dad. Take Care.
  13. Hi Elaine, I know there are some places that still do surgery at Stage IV. I know Ginny's husband Earl did. I think that it depends on the location and where the mets are. There's also RFA surgery that they do to the lungs for advanced cancer. This is apparently just as or if not more effective as surgery.
  14. Hi Chani- My grandpa had skin cancer that went to the lungs...this was 15 years ago. At that point though, it had spread many other places. I don't find it in any means disrespectful for you to use this board. Cancer is an emotional nightmare and you've come to a place where we all know what an emotional drain this all is. Oncolink.org seems to be a good resource. Have you seen this? This sounds extremely promising!!! http://www.oncolink.org/resources/artic ... &year=2004 Here's a link to clinical trials, I assumed your Dad has melanoma. http://www.oncolink.org/types/subsectio ... =63&ss=500 Here's a link to a vaccine for skin cancer http://www.oncolink.org/resources/artic ... &year=2004
  15. Bob, I'm so sorry that your vacation was cut short! I'm glad that you were able to get good care and are now working on getting back on your feet. I hope you have a quick recovery.
  16. Andrea, You got it! You and your mom are there in my prayers!
  17. natalie


    Candy, Hugh looks so happy in that picture...I hope that you remember him that happy because I know that's how happy he is now waiting for you at the Bridge swimming in the water below it. You are such a strong woman and you give me insight into what my Dad is feeling and going through. I hate that we all have to go through this. Thank God for this board. It has been so comforting to meet people like you with strength and an open heart. I hope the days get easier for you.
  18. Hi Steph- Thanks for the update! We've been thinking of you two! I pray that Judy recovers well from the surgery and I hope your move goes smoothly. Take Care
  19. Oh my gosh Cheryl! I'm so glad they caught the blocked arteries. I hope Jack has a speedy recovery. Life is certainly a test.
  20. Peg, i'm so sorry to hear the news. I ditto what everyone says and will say extra prayers for Bill.
  21. Denise, I'll be thinking of you and your mom! You are always in my prayers.
  22. I actually wrote an email to Senator Bill and he wrote me back with much compassion and thoughtfulness. It's nice to get responses from Government officials. I will refer him to this site.
  23. natalie

    Thank you

    Andrea, Your mom is going to do well! I just know it! Know that we are here for you anytime! I'll be thinking a lot about you and your mom today. Give your mom a big hug from all of us!
  24. Berisa, You and your Dad are in my thoughts and I wish the best success with this second go around.
  25. natalie

    mom's picture

    Thank you all for your kind words. My mom was beautiful. Especially on the inside. She had grace, dignity, compassion, strength...I could go on. I miss her so much. I can't believe she's gone. My children will never know her. I can't joke around with her, banter back and forth, be sarcastic with her, hug her, gossip with her. There's just no one that can fill that void. Although I'm able to go on with my life, I feel this void and when I really start thinking about it and I'm by myself, it hurts. I've always been a very independant person, but now I feel so vulnerable. My husband mentioned that he couldn't go with my to a family gathering this weekend and I'm so mad at him. I know it's not fair for me to be mad at him, but I just am. He's been so great through all of this and I'm sure he needs a break from me, but I feel so insecure right now. I go from one minute feeling all this strength and insight of the experience and the next minute feeling sorry for myself, insecure and angry. I have gone from taking care of my mom for the last 10 months and now I have to take care of my Dad. My Dad relys on me and then the next minute pushes me away. I just don't know how to handle that. I had my first dream of my mom the other night. She was at work, looking stylish and happy as ever. I was just staring at her and afraid to approach her. I was mentally telling myself that it wasn't her but my heart was telling me it was. I then approached her and said, "hi mom" and she said, "sweetie, it's not me, I'm not here anymore". We had eye contact for a while without saying anything and that was just it. I just wanted to touch her, hug her but it was like putting my hand through air. My dream was so real. I wanted to feel her so bad. I woke up just crying. It was the worst I've felt since she's been gone. I have a video of her and I want to watch it, but I have a feeling I'm going to feel like I felt in my dream. I don't want to feel that pain. Sorry for the rambling and feeling sorry for myself. It helps to get all this out. I'm feel very sad today.
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