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Everything posted by natalie

  1. ...grabbed the paperwieght sitting on his desk and threw it towards the camera sitting on the top of the bookshelf. It was placed just next to the wedding picture of him and Gina! Instead of hitting the camera...
  2. ...that's when I slapped him across the face. He stood there stunned. I didn't know...
  3. "What a minute, hold on a sec" I said, as I stopped him mid-sentence. "We can't do this! You are married to Gina! What are you thinking?"
  4. ...purse at home! I'm not quite sure how I'm going to pay for the subway fare, so I...
  5. When she woke up in the morning, she felt groggy and hung over. She then looked at the clock and thought "Oh no! I'm late! I better hurry up and...
  6. I received this via email today... The American Cancer Society needs your help now. SB 576 is on Governor Schwarzenegger's desk for his signature or veto. California needs SB 576...it will save lives. The American Cancer Society co-sponsored this bill that will require all health plans and health insurers to provide coverage for physician intervention and two course of tobacco cessation treatment per year, including a minimum of four 30 minute counseling sessions and/or FDA approved pharmacotherapy-both prescription and over-the-counter tobacco cessation mediation. This is the most important tobacco control legislation to pass the state legislature since the smoke-free workplace bill passed in 1994. But we are getting preliminary indications that the governor is inclined to veto the bill! We need you to Take Action now and write, email or fax Governor Schwarzenegger. Let him know you are an American Cancer Society volunteer and you vote. Tell him to sign SB 576 ... it is the right thing to do. Please pick up your pen and write a letter or send an email immediately. You do make a difference...show your power! Send your letter or email to the following address: Letter: The Honorable Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Email: http://www.govmail.ca.gov (http://www.govmail.ca.gov/) Fax: 916-445-4633 ADDITIONAL SPEAKING POINTS Ø The American Cancer Society is sponsoring SB 576 to help more California smokers quit smoking for good. Ø In California, 16.6% of adults smoke-that's 4.2 million adult smokers. Ø Only one in five Californians has health insurance that provides comprehensive coverage for smoking cessation. Ø Tobacco use is addictive and as many smokers know so well, quitting is difficult. If a person is addicted to heroin or cocaine they are eligible for treatment for substance abuse - why should a smoker addicted to nicotine not receive the same coverage? Ø This mandate will increase health insurance premiums only $4-$5 per person per year. This is a bargain considering how much it could reduce the $8.6 billion Californians spend on tobacco-related medical costs every year. REPORT BACK Please let us know that you've delivered the message on SB 576 to Governor Schwarzenegger. Call: 800-252-6066, Ext. 302 Email: Ann.Goure'@cancer.org (mailto:Ann.Goure'@cancer.org) Thank you! Ann Gouré Director, Grassroots and Media Advocacy American Cancer Society California Division
  7. It was then that I realized that I was having hallucinations. Someone must have slipped something in my drink at that cocktail party.
  8. 2005 Gail P. Ramos Lung Cancer Foundation Million-Dollar Golf Challenge Chipping Away at Lung Cancer Friday, September 30, 2005 Lincoln Hills Country Club 1005 Sun City Lane Lincoln, California Register online at www.ramosfoundation.org or call 707-864-2627
  9. Too much laundry...having to match all the white socks?!? ...unless I didn't have a dishwasher. Which is worse... Not having enough to do or having too much to do?
  10. This is the loss of a wonderful woman. I was inspired by Rachel. Through knowing her online it was obvious that she was a gentle, kind, wonderful person. She had a lot of grace. My condolences to you and your family.
  11. natalie

    Year One

    Denise, I'm glad you are going on a trip with your uncle and hope that being with a family member will bring you a bit of comfort. I wrote you a long email, but your work denied it and I didn't have it saved so now I'm a bit at a loss of words. There's no one on this world that can fill that void of your mom. You are going to miss her always...but I hope that when the positive memories start over weighing the negative ones, you will find that it doesn't hurt as much to think about her and miss her. I think your positive outlook is very inspiring and your mom would be proud of the strong woman you've become. From my mother's daughter to your mother's daughter... love always, Nat
  12. I have to admit that I sometimes use "Dude" in my sentences. But I'm a conservative Republican...no birkenstocks on this girl.
  13. I react just like Ginny! I actually laughed when I read it because it is just so ME!
  14. natalie

    Back to say HI

    Hey Ray! It's so good to see a post from you! I like the idea of them testing the different chemos on your tumor...makes just great sense...maybe that's the step in finding a cure to this disease. I'm so glad to hear that you are NED! Good luck with your interview.
  15. Great! I hope the pain has subsided. Thinking of you and your mom!
  16. natalie

    Strange Dream.....

    Ann, The few dreams that I've had with my mom are similar. She's there talking to me but has to remind me that she isn't really there but that she's fine. It's like she's trying to get me to accept that she's not here on earth. I know many people that have similar dreams that I can only think that it's our loved ones talking to us. Its so comforting because my mom is healthy in those dreams and seems at peace and relaxed. I'm so glad you had that dream. He seems to be having a good time where he is right now.
  17. Lobster, with lots of butter! I think I like it because I have it maybe once every two years so it's a special treat.
  18. I wear my mom's watch every day. It's a watch I remember seeing on her when I was a kid. What it represents in me is that I'm my mom's daughter and I will try to remember that she is with me every day.
  19. Hey! Thanks guys! My husband and I were actually the refreshment people so we bailed on Kathi! I'm so sorry Kathi! Kathi, I'm glad though that you had alone time with your Dad. The place we had the run was so naturistic that I'm hoping that helped make you feel closer to him. I had a coworker of mine tap my shoulder and told me to look over the fence in this area. I looked over and I swear there were about 25 dragonflies in a swarm in this one area looking over at the event. It was so strange...it was as if all of our loved ones were there. It was so great! We are a work in progress...I put it in my notes for next year to have a system of figuring out when the last person is done. I think we are also going to do it at the State Capitol next year. We are going to start planning next month after we are done with our golf tournament. The power of this website is amazing. I would have never found out about this wonderful group of people in Sacramento that organize the "Step For Survival" if it wasn't for Kathi and meeting her on this website last year. It also makes me feel comforted to be around people that know the devestating effects of this disease. Someone came from Los Angeles and I'm not sure if she was from this website as I didn't get the chance to meet her. She had fundraised a lot of money and had so much enthusiasm and motivation! She wants to start a "Step for Survival" in the Los Angeles area. Hopefully we can work with her to get that implemented. I'm just disappointed that I didn't get to officially meet her as I was manning the water station. I also got a few seconds on tv the other night on local television and they filmed our event on the Sunday local news. It was great! Channel 10 did a lot of lung cancer coverage and I'm so thankful for their assistance in raising awareness to this disease. If I get pictures, I'll email them to you Katie. Thanks for your support and positive encouragement you guys!
  20. I'm bumping this up since it's this weekend! I hope some Sacramento people can join us! Thanks!
  21. I've said a couple of expletives for you too. It's just plain B.S. that Lucie has to go through this. She is one tough woman and I definitely have you two in my prayers. It always sounds like your doctors are one step ahead to continue this fight...I'm so relieved for that.
  22. Hey Karma, I will keep your mom in my thoughts and hope that this is a benign thing.
  23. I always thought that my mom would have had the opportunity to be there when I had children. She would have made the best grandma. I always thought when I had children they would know my mom without me having to give them the "story" of my mom. I always thought my mom would have the opportunity to retire and travel and live in Napa like she wanted.
  24. Peggy...I'm so sorry to hear this news. I will have you in my prayers.
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