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Everything posted by natalie

  1. Hi Karen! I haven't touched base with you in a while. Actually, the family on the website www.ramosfoundation.org is the Ramos family. We are not related, but they are a great family and so very nice! Jose Ramos is the founder, my husband and I are just "helpers" I hope all is well with you!
  2. Val, I know that my mom had a hard time depending on her "child". She preferred others as caregivers than me too. She would constantly apologize for fear of burdening me. Of course it was an honor to take care of my mom and I'm so sad, but at the same time inspired that I was able to give back something to my mom. I don't think she understood that. I'm so sorry that you are feeling this and I just read in a more recent post that you've recently just lost your mom. I'm so sorry. Please try to not feel remorse for this situation as I can guarantee you that your mom just didn't want to be thought of as anything other than your mother, who takes care of you...I think that's a hard thing for a mom to give up. You gave your mom so much love and comfort. You are a good daughter.
  3. Kim, I honestly got the chills when I read your post. Heck yeah...I think that's your mom! How cool is that!?!
  4. Thanks for the update Denise. I'm so glad to hear that your Dad is doing okay and that they think nothing more than a cyst is bothering your aunt. I'll keep praying and you keep us posted.
  5. Kathy! I was shocked to read your post today. I'm so sorry. I don't have any words to offer you other than I understand and here for you anytime. Please do not hesitate to call me anytime. If you want to go do something active around town to get your mind off of things let me know and I'll set something up...kayaking, movie, a 5K, whitewater rafting...you name it. I'm so sorry.
  6. Rich, you should be able to vent, be sad, anytime you want! You have always been one of the most uplifting, positive people on this board! When i read the title, I thought, "No, I must be reading wrong, it couldn't be the subject from Rich"...that's how positive you always are! It breaks my heart to know that you have sad days, (which you are allowed to have), but please write about it and get it out of your system so you can get right back to fighting and get back your mental energy back. That's great that after so many years you and your old girlfriend can keep in touch. That proves that you touch more people in your life than on this lung cancer board. I can tell you that if my ex called me, I'd hang up the phone! ha ha, just joking...well...no, not really. Please don't ever apologize for writing your feelings and thoughts. You are in a safe place here.
  7. Denise, I'm so sorry that you have to go through this waiting period, yet again, and also having to relive everything that happened 9 months ago. You are always in my prayers and I pray that both your Dad and aunt come back with good news. In the hopes of calming some of your nerves...my Dad had something on his nose a few years back. I was convinced it was cancer and was terribly worried that it was cancer. It did come back cancerous...but it's basal cell which is non malignant and nothing to worry about (according to doctors). If it's cancer I think he has a higher chance of having the non malignant type. Thinking of you Denise.
  8. Kathi, You and family are in my thoughts. I'm so glad you were able to get on a flight! Praying for your Dad.
  9. This news is so heartbreaking. I was so inspired by David's humor and enlightened by his courage. Karen and Becky you did everything you could and you helped him get through this tough battle. We are and will be here for you. I'm so sorry. I'll pray to my mom tonight that she look for David and show him around the place. She'll make sure he's taken care of. ...Until we meet them again... Prayers to you and your family.
  10. Hi Everyone, As most of you know I've been plugging two events in Sacramento. We've just update our website and you can now register online. Our goal is to raise $250,000 towards lung cancer research. We also have a car and phone recycling program. www.ramosfoundation.org
  11. natalie


    Rachel, I'm so happy to hear your good news!!!!
  12. Hey Dave! We missed you! It's great to see you!
  13. Praying for you and your mom!!! Hang in there. Call me if you need to talk!
  14. Starry, I'm so sorry that you have to even be on this website. I know how devastating this whole thing is. I read that Dr. Graves did your mom's surgery and I immediately knew you were writing from Sacramento. Maybe I can help. I live in Sacramento. Send me a PM...let me know what you want to do for work. I can get the word out through work associates that you are looking for a job and might know some people hiring. I may be able to help with info on doctors and areas to live too. I had to move my mom up here too and it was very stressful. I know all to well. I hope to talk to you soon!
  15. natalie

    To Betplace

    Betty, You are amazing.
  16. I just want you to know that you always stand out to me on this website. I can't tell you how many times while reading your posts you've given me such a warm feeling about you. You are always so positive and I can tell you are one truly sweet, caring person. I will pray for you and pray for that miracle. I'm so sorry to hear that you have to go through this. I wish I had the right words. I am thinking and praying for you.
  17. natalie

    Lucie and Don

    Don, You and Lucy are in my thoughts. You two are my inspiration. I pray that you both feel better soon.
  18. I'm speechless. I can't believe this! You and your husband are going to have a rock of a marriage after all this. Thank God you have one another. Shelly, I'm praying for you and your husband and I'm just so so so so so so so sorry! I just can't believe it! Its just so unfair.
  19. natalie


    Shirly, what a difficult year for you. I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened. I'm praying for you. You have two special angels watching over you now. Thinking and praying for you!
  20. Hi Karen! It's great to hear from you. My Dad and I are doing okay, thank you for asking! My Dad is working, so I'm happy about that and glad that there are days I actually hear him laugh. A lot of the times though I can tell he feels so lost and doesn't know what to do with himself. I'm glad that he lives very close to me. My husband has a family member that was diagnosed with advanced Pancreatic Cancer at 42 and my mother in law was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I guess now I'm just waiting for my turn. I feel like I live a whole new world and different mind set. I just hate cancer! I never realized what an enemy cancer is. I don't think I ever will be that person that I was before my mom was diagnosed, but I'm trying to embrace the new me so I don't end up this miserable, unhappy person. I think as a result I have become more compassionate, empathetic and have a that realization that I don't need to sweat the small stuff. Being a part of the Ramos foundation has been somewhat therapeutic for me. They actually are naming a scholarship after my mom. It means so much to me! How are you doing? I haven't been able to check the boards as often as before. Work has been very busy and I don't have the opportunity to access the web too much at home. I check in about twice a week to keep up to date on everyone. Can I open the bar? I'm having a beer! I think of you often and glad to get an email that you posted to me! God Bless.
  21. Andrea, I'm so so sorry to hear this news but I'm glad to hear that it's treatable. Although brain surgery sounds very scary, the people that do the surgery are amazing and do them all the time. The one that did my mom's surgery was maybe 32 years old. I was so worried, but she was in control the whole time and did an excellent job. She does 150 brain surgeries a year. Keep us posted. I will have your mom in my thoughts.
  22. Lori, I know what you mean! I bought a car a couple of weeks after my mom died and then a month after bought a house! I did some serious retail shopping...I just didn't care. I went through a combination of things such as realizing that life is too short and to just go out and get it to trying to keep myself looking forward to something. I didn't quite get much enjoyment out of either event because I was grieving so much, but it helped keep my mind focus on something else. I'm so sorry you are going through this, but it will get more manageable as time passes. I know it doesn't seem like it now and uncomprehendable that you will get past this... but you will. It still hurts but it's not so frequent for me now. It goes in waves. I pray that you will have a happy day soon. Your Dad would want that for you. You also have that wonderful fiance of yours. Maybe that's what you have to help you get through this. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
  23. Dave, I'm so sorry about the recent news. I have no words other than you are so strong and you give your family something to be proud of. You are a true fighter and if anyone can beat this, I know it's you! Prayers are being said as soon as I stop typing.
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