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Everything posted by Muriel

  1. Muriel

    Fourth Anniversary

    Hi Bruce. That's great news! A lot of us have been wondering what had happened to you. As you know, typically, when someone doesn't post for a long, long time, it means very, very, very bad news. I was beginning to think the worst. Please, please touch base with us more often. Thank you. I, too, have the increased scanxiety problem It's been 8 and a half years now and my scans are once a year. Every Jan, I'm terrified. What's going on in your life? the farm? the critters? Tell us! Please keep in touch. Muriel
  2. Welcome, Janet. Sorry about the cancer, tho. I think you'll find lots of help and many friends here. Muriel
  3. Hi Melinda, I remember you, too. It's nice to see you back here, but sorry that you have reason to be here. Do keep us posted on how your step-dad is doing. Muriel
  4. I love to hear good news! Thanks. Muriel
  5. Muriel


    Kasey, you're really getting to be one of the "old" ones here. I am older tho, in years and survivorship (8 yrs last April). I'm so happy that you kept looking for a treatment plan that you liked. Have you had any recent contact with the doctors that "wrote you off?" Best wishes for many, many more of these celebrations. Muriel
  6. Muriel

    What else?

    Prayers for all. Muriel
  7. Muriel

    Still Clear!

    Wonderful news! I was wondering how your dad was doing, but couldn't remember your screen name. Thanks for the update. Muriel
  8. I love the pictures, Eric. Thanks for posting them all. Muriel
  9. Fantastic news, Judy! I'm so glad you don't have to go through another surgery now. Muriel
  10. Good whatever it is (afternoon, I guess). Eric, I do hope that you look for better housing today. I really don't like your description of the gulag. I think everything in NYC is expensive - food, hotels, theater. To get around NYC more comfortably, buy a street map. Parts of the city are easy to understand, tho. The "avenues" run E to W, starting with 1st Ave. You can kind of estimate where something might be on an avenue by how large the Ave. number is. The streets run N-S, with lower numbers closer to the bottom of the Island. There are also some named streets south of the numbered ones. I hope you enjoy your theater experience. Yes, I think the price is too high for tickets, too. Annette, I've forgotten what happens next with the kid. I hope he isn't sent back to live with you or your mom. MI Judy, hope your spasms get better. There must be something to help you. I suppose that's what you are thinking, too. BTW, did you get my response to your pm ? Bud, I don't understand why an installed garage door is less expensive than one you install. We're thinking about replacing our door also, and that news is frightening. KW Judy, I hope you get your CC problems straightened out. How do you think that happened? What did the CC company say? Hope everyone has a good day. Muriel
  11. Wonderful pictures! Thanks for posting them. Muriel
  12. The "crazed man" sounds like someone who received "bus therapy" from the Regional Psychiatric Hosital in Kalamazoo! It's not funny, but in the past, is said to have happened. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Muriel
  13. WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ERIC! I hope you have a wonderful visit. Muriel
  14. The reason it is not approved for breast cancer is that it has not been found to be effective for that kind of cancer. It is approved for lung cancer and, for many, has been quite effective. It does have risks. All chemo drugs have risks. If a drug isn't effective for a particular type of cancer, it doesn't make any sense to take the risk of using that drug. Muriel
  15. I certainly do! At this time (2:20 pm EDT), I was in my bed following surgery to remove the upper lobe of my right lung. Although I was back at the same hospital 18 mo. later (upper left lobe), I'm still here and doing ok. Last scan was in Jan 2011 and next is in Jan 2012. Yes, I'm amazed - as is my family. Muriel
  16. Muriel

    Status update

    Glad you are feeling better. And working, too! Wow. Keep us posted, PLEASE! Muriel
  17. Wonderful news. I'm happy you didn't have to wait to get it. Nice doctor, too. Muriel
  18. Muriel

    8 years!

    Congrats, Cindy. And prayers for your mother. Muriel
  19. Muriel

    One Year

    (((((Hugs))))) Muriel
  20. ...only to find Brothers and Sisters already there and, since they've been canceled, not planning on leaving. Muriel
  21. Yes, Ann, we do have someone from Mpls. Me. It's the most wonderful place in the world - except for the cold in the winter and the heat/humidity in the summer. Let me think about the city a bit and then I'l have some recommendations for you. Where will you be staying? Where is the convention? Whatever, you MUST have some walleye pike - battered, broiled, however you like fish. It's great and it's not available here. I'm sure Donna G can add some good words about the city too. She does live a little way south of it, tho. Muriel
  22. Welcome, Dom. I don't know how much help I can be, because I had NSCLC and had surgery followed by chemo - different "poisons" than for SCLC. On the other hand, I did change Oncs 4 times! I moved after the first surgery/chemo and that accounts for the first change. After that, in FL I tried one Onc. who didn't return phone calls and offices weren't very clean, then one who didn't listen to me (neither of us - hubby and me - liked him). Finally went to, as you described yours - "a NIH-recognized cancer center" - MD Anderson Cancer Center in Orlando. By then I had finished chemo a second time (I had a recurrence 18 mo. after completing the first chemo), and am just getting follow-up care, but these people are much more interested in me and more willing to share info/explanations than the other doctors. Your change was a good decision! Being a 24 year HIV survivor is amazing. Congratulations! Does that interfere with your cancer prognosis? Well, I guess we don't really like to talk about a prognosis as who knows or can read the future. Good luck and please keep us posted on your progress. Muriel
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