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gail p-m

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Everything posted by gail p-m

  1. Thanks for the update and the clue that she's "TracyD". I've been thinking about her too and she remains in my thoughts and prayers. gail p-m
  2. Some great advice here to be passed on! Thanks for posting. gail p-m
  3. Congratulations on your new arrival! gail p-m
  4. I cook two nights a week and my husband cooks 2 nights a week. Saturday, we get appies from Costco or wherever and have a nice tray of those for dinner. Leftovers sometimes or ??? gail p=m P.S. I hate cooking!! Would go to restaurants all the time if my husband liked them more and we had more money!!!
  5. Debi-- I'm beyond thrilled to hear your good news. That's what I looked for first when I came onto the website. The $25 == how funny is that in the scheme of things? Celebrate. gail p-m
  6. Andrea-- I am also a worrier like you and married to a "non-worrier". It amazes me how my husband can sleep anywhere anytime no matter what is going on. Sleep eludes me because I always have something on my mind. right now it's 4:35 AM and I've been up for an hour (typical). I have a cancer dog who is not doing well and my dad is having problems too. If it wasn't that, it would be something else. Anyhow, glad your latest "problem" was minor. I'd love to say, "put your worries aside" but I know that's not easy for worriers to do. But try to put them away for awhile and get on with that "embryo transfer" -- Take care. gail p-m
  7. Milk, cheese, yogurt ((how boring)) gail p-m
  8. gail p-m

    My CT scan

    YAY for Kathy and NED! gail p-m
  9. Fabulous! Always love to hear good news on these boards. gail p-m
  10. Wow! What a mama you have and what a supportive daughter she has!!! Way to go, both of you --- gail p-m
  11. My father continues to have CT scans at 3 month intervals. He is fortunate that the scans have come up "stable" for quite awhile now but he still finds himself frequently "short of breath." He takes lung function test at the pulmonologist and they come up okay too. However, my Dad is winded from just walking around the block to the mailbox, let alone going to stores. He is 82 and has fought this beast for 5 1/2 years now. Any thoughts would be appreciated. gail p-m
  12. Sherri-- Just want to say thank you for sharing the wonderful news about your dad's two year survivorship. May he continue to prove those "timelines" all wrong. gail p-m
  13. Sounds like a fantastic trip. Glad you got to meet some others from the website. Also looking forward to reading the articles 6 months down the road. Great job!!! gail p-m
  14. You've certainly had your share of this awful disease to last forever. Sending many prayers to you and your family members. gail p-m
  15. So glad to hear your good news. gail p-m
  16. Mike-- I am so sorry for your loss. I know it's not easy to lose a mom. My deepest sympathies. gail p-m
  17. That is such wonderful news! I'm so glad for the both of you. gail p-m
  18. Fabulous news! May it keep on coming. gail p-m
  19. My husband and I have switched cars. I used to drive the family minivan to work but now drive the Civic because my work is twice as far as husbands. gail p-m
  20. Sending prayers for good results. The waiting is hard. gail p-m
  21. I remember how frustrating it was when my Dad was first diagnosed with lung cancer and it seemed like we waited ages for his treatment to start. There was this test and that test and specialists to see... Once he started chemo, we felt like we had a chance with the "beast". Good luck on your treatments and keep us posted. gail p-m
  22. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences. gail p-m
  23. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences. gail p-m
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