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Everything posted by fillise

  1. I'm afraid Shelley is right. In the beginning you feel like all they do is test, test, test. It took about 6 weeks to get a definitive DX for my mom and I've learned that was pretty quick. The one thing is that the testing will help to determine the best course of treatment. It is important to know the type,location and size of the tumor(s) so it can be treated most effectively. Best of luck and let us know. Susan
  2. It sounds like you have a aggressive dr. and a good plan of action. Love that word "Curable!!!!" Soon you will be snuggling with NED! Susan
  3. fillise


    I'm shocked! Ry, I'm so sorry. I know you will miss him everyday of your life. Pleae know that we will be here to lend whatever support for you than we can. I am praying that you will have strength and peace in the coming days, week,s months, and years. Much love, Susan
  4. Woo Hoo!!!! Stable is my new favorite word!!!! Susan
  5. Beach, it sounds like your mom is kicking this cancer's butt! It has to be her decision. If the chemo is working she will ultimatley feel better. To answer a lot of the questions you have about chemo try visiting www.onctalk.com You can read the latest research and if you register you can ask Dr. West questions. He is very good about answering our questions. Susan
  6. Teresa, Everyone responds to this disease differently. I have to tell you that many of the folks who appear so strong now, were in the same position when the diagnosis was new. It is overwhelming and terrifying and you can't see any other scenario but the scariest one. But it gets better as you learn what you are dealing with and have a treatment plan. You learn a "new normal." It might also help to try to focus on every day you have with your father as a gift. Instead of focusing on how little time you might have left, consider each new day as a gift to be enjoyed and thankful for. That sounds kind of hokey I know, but he is here and with you now. And if you spend this time fretting about what may happen in the future (and let's face it, none of us is guaranteed tomorrow), you will miss some valuable time just being with your Dad. We'll be here to help you through it. Susan
  7. Waiting is the WORST!!!! I'm also thinking that the news will be better than you thnk. Will keep my fingers and toes crossed. Let us know! Susan
  8. Well I think the chemo will be pretty powerful, but I think that beating you give the disease with the bat will do the trick! It is a WAR! Susan
  9. One for each year and, One to "grow" on!
  10. Jussi--good luck with your chemo. I'm glad Ernie steered you to us. We hate that you had to find us, but if you need us we are here for you! Susan
  11. Leo, I'm glad to hear that your mom is doing so well. I hope she can get here to see her granddaughter. Congratulations on the baby! Susan
  12. Chelsea, I'm sorry you are having to go through this again. I hope your mom's chemo goes well tomorrow. let us know how she is doing. Susan
  13. Welcome Fabian--Sounds like your mom is doing very well. It's easy to be overwhelmed at first, but after you read the stories here, you realize that there is hope. Stay in touch and let us know how your mom is doing. And don't be afraid to ask question. Folks here are happy to share any information they have. Susan
  14. Welcome Kaja! I hope the rest of your treatments go well. Sounds like you have a great attitude--but you are right--this place is the best. I'm glad you've found us. Susan
  15. Debi-- Your Tony was AMAZING. His story has been an inspiration since I joined this board. You still continue to inspire. I will keep you in my prayers for strength and for peace. Susan
  16. fillise

    Job Loss

    Does the Americans with Disablilty Act apply here? Seems like that might offer some protection. Susan
  17. God Bless your very good friends!!!!! Susan
  18. Leslie, I hope your dad feels stronger soon. I will keep him (and you and Adrian) in my prayers. Susan
  19. Lisa, I'm so sorry your mom is having such a rough time. I will keep her in my prayers. Susan
  20. Aww, Mary Colleen, that is soooo sweet! Susan
  21. It's too bad it takes something like cancer to make us realize how precious the people we love are. None of us in guarenteed tomorrow and we should let the people we love know it every single day. Thanks Nove, Susan
  22. The taking a shower may wear him out. You can go to the drug store (or Walmart)and get a shower seat so he can sit while showering. It would also help for him to have a hand held shower head. I did this for my father after he had a stroke two years ago and it really helped him. It took me all of 10 minutes to change the shower heads and assemble the shower seat. I hope your father gets stronger soon. I will keep him in my prayers. Susan
  23. I hope you get some answers from your calls today. Let us know what you find out. Susan
  24. From the time my mom had her first tests until firm dx was about a month. So I think your process is taking too long--although I have heard of many folks having a long dx process. I'm glad you pushed and got your appointments. Susan
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