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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Lori, you and your mom are in my prayers. Don M
  2. I am very happy for you and your mom. Enjoy the trip. Your mom is in a very good position to beat this disease. Don M
  3. Hi Lori: no one knows for sure, but since you asked, I think the end may be near. I don't know, maybe I am not supposed to say that here. My brother and a friend from work both had lc and had siezures near the end. They both finally died after a siezure. If it were me, I would be going all out to make sure your mom has the comfort drugs. Try to connect with her as much as you can. It is hard to know when to quit fighting. For me, I will draw the line when and or if I reach a threshhold in terms of quality of life. You and your mom have my prayers. Don M
  4. Just hang in there and be with your dad. It might be that his talk of getting better and all is the way he copes. It is good that you have hospice to help now. Don M
  5. Shanna I am sorry that you have lost your mother. Don M
  6. It moves for me unless I focus on it. It is like a swaying motion. Don M
  7. seeing a nun for the first time Don M
  8. I am sorry you lost your friend. Schmaydee had a wry sense of humor about his situation. I think I would have like to have known him. Sigh. Hey.. look quick we are alive.. and then it is gone. Don M
  9. Hey Cindy..good news, no brain mets for your dad. Gator aide and the other stuff is good, but try to get him to drink some water too I don't like to drink water very much and I have a deep well with sweet tasting country water. I made myself guzzle it when I was doing chemo. I prefer coffee, juice and milk. I still drink water now, a couple of glasses a day. Don m
  10. I can relate to that. Yes Laura, what an adorable baby. Don M
  11. I have nothing to add. You made the right decision. Don M
  12. Hi Chris, welcome to this site. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Don M
  13. Welcome Christy: I am sorry your dad has to deal with this and that you have to deal with it as his daughter. Having radiation to shrink the tumor is a good plan. It is still relatively small, though and maybe it could be killed altogether. I think your dad should ask about targeted radiation such as image guided radiation or cyberknife to kill the tumor. These procedures save healthy lung tissue from complications of conventional radiation like esophagitis and pneumonitis. Cyberknife is the most accurate. then do chemo..Tell your dad to ask about it. These kinds of treatments are available at major cancer centers. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 http://www.elekta.com/healthcareinterna ... on_therapy Don M
  14. Tina: you and charlie have my prayers. Don M
  15. Don M

    Odds and Ends

    You can apply for it on line. I decided not to do it because I don't have any recent quarters. I do have quarters from years ago that will make me eligible for ss when I am 62. I will apply for that this September. It is not much, but I will get $90 bucks a month or something like that. Don M
  16. Tom: I would also like to wish you a speedy recovery and a good pathology report. Maybe the disturbing of all the scar tissue is causing more pain for you than most people experience from the operation. If you are in pain now, you shoud ask for stronger drugs. It is hard to have a smooth healing and be a happy camper when you are in pain. I took pain pills for about 4 days after my operations and after that did not need them. Don M
  17. Welcome Barbara: It is admirable that your husband went cold turkey and quit smoking. I hope he quits the beer too. Some people take lexapro and or xanax during treatment. It helps with depression and anxiety. He would absolutley have to stop drinking then. Maybe he just needs a bit more time to process and accept what has happened to him. It has been over 2 years for me, and I still get angry about it from time to time. I don't yell at anyone or whatever, I just write about it in a journal I have been keeping. I hope things even out for you and your husband soon. Don M
  18. It looks like your dad is emotionally prepared to go for another round. Getting to know the grandkids is a major motivator. I have a second grandchild due in early July. I am about ready to start treatment again myself. Your dad and all have my prayers. Don M
  19. Linda, I am sorry that you and mike have to go through this. At least you can take some comfort in that Mike's doctor is going to make sure that he is comfortable. you and mike have my prayers. don M
  20. Hi Sandra: it sounds like Tim and the boys had a fun trip. Most likely, the blood is from his sinuses. I coughed up some old blood (dark) for a week or so and then it went away. I think it came from dietary blood thinners I was taking. I stopped the blood thinners for a while and no longer had the dark bloody spit. I think my sinuses got a little bloody. I hope you enjoy the Idaho experience. I have spent some time there on forest fire assignments and liked it (except for the smoke). Don M
  21. Don M

    Mom's Recovery

    At my last surgery, I had the rest of my left lung removed. When I sat up at he edge of the bed for the first time, I got out of breath. I was somewhat taken aback. I had to be on oxygen for a month after surgery. I exercised with walks and used the spirometer religiously. I would walk around the block once the first time, and then 4 times within the first week at home. I carted my oxygen with me. Now, I can walk a mile in 16 minutes. I can go up a flight of stairs without breathing hard. I had good pulmonary capacity going into my surgerys. Your mom may have started out at a disadvantage in terms of pulmonary capacity, but I think she will get more back over time if she exercises as much as she can and eventully shed the oxygen at least in the daytime. She might still have to use it at night. Don M
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