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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Robyn: I am sorry your dad got lung cancer again. Especially after 16 years....what a bummer! Treatments these days can hold the cancer at bay for a very long time. I have just one lung now and I may have another tumor in my remaining lung. If it is the only place where the cancer is, I plan to have it removed by cyberknife. I think one would qualify for cyberknife if the tumor is smaller than 3 cm and there is just one. Beyond that, and they may not do it. So, if your dad's cancer is still contained in his lung, and it is not big yet,he might try cyberknife. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?f=6
  2. I don't have air conditoning. I would like any car that has air conditioing, fuel economy, and room to fold down the seats and sleep flat on my back. Don M PS I would settle for a Porsche.
  3. Hi: I am just guesing becuase I don't know any details about your mom's treatment etc., but you say your mom has a lot of friends and family who want to see her. She must have been an engaging socialable person to have so many friends. Perhaps she is depressed. Has she any medication for depression? Most of us on this board have been depressed at one time or another and many of us take antidepressants to manage, I take lexapro myself. Don M
  4. Don M

    My husband is gone

    Karen, please accept my condolences at the loss of your husband. Don M
  5. Hi Lori:I just wanted to offer a quick post of my support and best wishes for yuu and your mom as you continue with your struggles. Cindy gave you some excellent information. Don M
  6. Welcome. If it is any comfort to tyou , at least it is big enough so that the PET scan can give some information now. It may not be cancer, but if it is, it was caught early and you have a good chance of being cured. Don M
  7. Don M

    Morning cough

    Carol One possibility is that mucous might collect at the scar tissue. At least that is what my pulmonologit told me when I told him about persistent congestion I had in my bronchial area. It never completely went away. It was never very thick. I just had to clear my throat a lot. Don M
  8. congratulations and congratulations Don M
  9. Rob: I am glad to see you are at home and recovering. The initial pathology sounds real promising. I hope the final shows no disease. I would have wanted the tumor out anyway, malignant or not. Don M
  10. Don M


    I will probably be doing cyberknife surgry too. The website that Joanie mentions is a great site. They say to make sure you choose a center that has the synchrony software running the robotics. Don M
  11. Welcome back Lilian. I always got picked for a random search. It must be because of my beard. Don M
  12. Welcome back Stephanie. Don M
  13. Gasld to see you back Rich. Don M
  14. Lori: mys siblings and I took turns taking care of my brother as he approached his last days of lc at my mother's home. If I were you, I would find a way for everyone to take turns being with your mom all the time at your house or another relative's house. Also, my brother was on medicaid and the state paid for homecare nursing 2 hours a day, three times a week. Don M
  15. I hope you are recovering well carguy. Don M
  16. Jodi: your post sounds very upbeat to me. I hope things continue to go well for you all. Don M
  17. Hi June: how the he ll did that happen indeed. the pre operative patholgy should have found late stage disease. Anyway, getting a second opinion is a good idea. There are many drugs beside tarceva that can help. I have heard of using tarceva in combo with a standard mix such as carboplatin/gemzar for first line treatment. Welcome. Don M
  18. Hi: welcome to this site. It sounds like your mom's docs are aiming for a cure. I certainly hope it works. Don M
  19. Hey! Yay and Yay some more! Don m
  20. Don M


    I wash my hadns a lot. I also keep a bottle of rubbing alcohol around. I don't know it it does any good, but I eat a lot of echinacea if I am exposed to a cold. I don't take flu or pneumonia shots. I have had one cold in the last 3 years. I am pretty much a homebody since I retired last October. I have been exposed to colds from my kids and grandson. Don M
  21. Ouch! one more day. But, that day is almost over. Welcome home Rich. Don M
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