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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. So Fay, be careful now. I know what it is like though, dragging that tubing all over the house. I had to go back more than once to take out tangles. Don M
  2. Karen: I am adding my prayers so that your biopsy test is negative and your scan is clear. Don M
  3. Please accept my condolences on your loss. Don M
  4. I am adding my prayers for all the people having to deal with this monster storm. Don M
  5. It's you! nice picture Kim. Don M
  6. Leslie: my copay was 30% for blue cross blue/shield federal employees basic plan. I had a secondary plan which absorbed much of the 30% copay. I never used tarceva. I had heard that it can be much cheaper if you order your chemo drugs by the mail. I have not looked into this, but a person with blue cross/blue shield federal employees standard plan said she had a copay of 20 bucks for all her chemo drugs by doing the mail order thing. If I ever have to do chemo again, I will look into it. If your plan consents to the tarceva, maybe you should see if you can get it cheaper by doing the mail order thing. Don M
  7. Kelly: your mom has my prayers. For what it's worth, I had 4 rounds of gemzar/carboplatin and tolerated it very well. I am 61. The oncologist told me that gemzar is less likely to cause neuropathy than taxol. Don M
  8. Hi and welcome. I see you have already gotten good advice here re nutrition. My only other thought is that your dad may need supplemental oxygen. I used it for 2 weeks after surgery and used it while I was doing my walking around the block. I had a pulmonologist monitor my o2 saturation for a month after surgery. I am 61. Your dad is 81. He probably nees a little more time to get back on track. Now that I think of it, I did not have much appetite in the hospital. I did when I got home though. Don M
  9. Sue: you and Mike have my prayers. I am sorry to see you have this setback. I see Mike has not tried iressa. I think that it is similar to tarceva, but has less severe side effects. I would also consider trying taxol/carboplatin again, but this time add avastin to the mix. Don M
  10. Cindi: it sounds like they took real good care of you at the ER. I hope the athsma leaves you alone for a while now. Most of my family members have athsma. I guess I am lucky I nver got it. I would hate to deal with an athshma attack as an one-lunger. Don M
  11. Good news is good news.. significant reduction! It sounds to me like you have a very good oncologist even though he dampered you celebratory mood a bit. Don M
  12. Hi Fay..welcome home! Keep on walking! I still walk every day. Don M
  13. Happy Aniversary Charlie. Don M
  14. Don M


    yeah.. it sounds scary, but it could be a benign growth. Don M
  15. I didn't see this before Connie, congratulations! Don M
  16. Welcome; I am glad to see your freind is holding the cancer at bay. Don M
  17. Don M

    No rash

    I saw a post here a while back where the message was that tarceva can still work and yet not have a rash. I can't remember who posted it, but it may have been Connie B or Mrs Ry. don M
  18. Don : I am glad to see that Lucy is feeing better and that you both had a good time at gradndaughter's bday party. Don M
  19. Hi: It is good to see that your friend has found stability in his cancer. Don M
  20. Don M


    Carleen: I am glad to hear your good news about Keith's cancer being stable. Don M
  21. Tammy: that is a nice story. It inspires me to take up fishing so I can go with my grandson too. I will have plenty of time at the end of the month since I will be retired. Maybe I can get good at it by the time my grandson is old enough to go. I hope your dad's PET scan shows no malignancy. Don M
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