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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I wish you the absolute best! I completely undertand your decision. You will be missed
  2. Awesome! Good for you!
  3. Something Snowflake said struck a chord, I was thinking the same thing last time. I was feeling bad for the oncologist, wondering how HIS quality of life is! I know he has 5 kids and I heard he makes time to spend with each one, but WHEN? Our fist appointment with him was at 8am. He put my mom in the hospital that day to begin treatment (boy was that a shock). He was into see her at 7:30 at the hospital. He was there on a Sat morning at the hospital. SO obviously he works at least 6 days a week, and long long hours. He was there the Fri after thanksgiving, new years eve, etc. How does he do it???? We normally wait a long time too. My dad is the MOST impatient person in the world but we don't mind because we fill privileged to have him as our doctor. And when we are in the room with him, it is just US, he focuses 100%. It is amazing. And there are always emergencies in oncology, nature of the game. For instance, one of my mom's scans showed a blood clot, well the doctor had to get involved right away even though she was not scheduled, which could ahve thrown other things off for his schedule. It is a tough business to be in
  4. There has been no posts from C-acres since yesterday morning, early early. Anybody hear from Karen to hear how the steroid situation is and how Dave is?
  5. have a peaceful day!
  6. I dont have anything to add to what others said, just wanted to say I am so sorry for this turn of events
  7. Roseanne--how am azing!!! I applaud you!
  8. Actually it is not the drugs talking, I am off of Prozac :) I only take Xanax and migraine medicine as needed. I came up with this invention all on my own. And my dad says I am a dummy
  9. Wishing you the best David!
  10. Cheryl you are an inspiration and I look forward tohearing only good things form you!! As for hair color, my mom normally gets base and highlights. She lost 1/2 her hair from chemo and her colorist would not do highlights on her for a bit. Actually stil lno highlights. However, she did get something gentle called vegitol to keep the color bright and no grey spots.
  11. Are yuo going to a hair dresser you k now and trust? I changed my hairstyle too right before law school, i was dying it blonde and it was Ny "big hair". I went with a reddish brown and shoulder length. I thjink you should go for a new look to start your new journey! what type of graduate school?
  12. Welcome! looking forward to getting to know you!
  13. I wish you a peaceful safe trip! where rae you going?
  14. Wow, there is something to it. I have chills and goosebumps right now. Saying a prayer for the entire clan
  15. Any engineers out there? I was just thinking, how cool would it be if you could walk through like a metal detector machine and if cancer is all gone bells and whistles go off; if there is shrinkage just whistles; and if there is growth loud obnoxious noises. This way there is NO wa iting to schedule scans, waiting for results of scans, etc. I think it is brilliant Ok, off to meet my mom now for her appt
  16. Becky, I can relate even though I am only a caregiver. I miss the old way of life BC, before cancer.
  17. Andrea

    Surgery Update

    I just thought of something, what does it mean to "spill"? can cancer spill from surgery?
  18. Denise--I don't have your e-mail here with me. My mom just called and said that she hopes to have more strength next week after we see the doctor to talk to your mom. My mom does not know you, but she loves you very much. She is so emotionally attached to you, Nat and Andrea B. and I think feels a bit of the guilt that I sometimes feel that she is doing well comparatively and why her. Hopefully there is someone who can call this week and then my mom will call the week after.
  19. Oy vey, split between two lawyers That is soooo hard, it can be like two parents telling you what to do. I used to work for two partners and I once had to put them in a room and tell them to work it out b/c I was tired of being tugged
  20. Where does the cool boss stand in relation to the boss I don't like and whose butt I want to kick for you? Hopefully hirer up But unlikely, the nicer folks are usually down lower on the totem pole
  21. I wish I could help I talked to my mom and she can't do anyone any good by talking right now. She is really down herself and she knows a lot about Denise and is afraid she would breakdown on the phone with her mom and cause more harm. Denise, my mom does ask about you all the time. For those who don't know, Denise and I have a semi-connection which we discovered on this board. We went to the same college in NY and lived in the same dorm at the same time, but did not know each other.
  22. Andrea

    Surgery Update

    I am glad the surgery went smooth!!!!!!
  23. Hi Karen, I may sound wierd, but I don't think you vented. I think you told a story and I would have done the same exact thing. David sounds like my dad in that when he is cranky, it is "go on the treadmill" and he gets mad at me and/or my mom for being fluffy and then he gets grumpier. He used to be really grumpy but now with my mom's cancer he is more mellow. So anyway, I can undersatnd how you were frustrated. And I find that when I AM frustrated and upset b/c of something cancer related, I am more able to say the TRUTH to people and that is what you did, you told the TRUTH to that woman Every once in awhile peple NEED to be put in their place. So GOOD FOR YOU! Now, how is David today? Is he calmer?
  24. Karen, We did make it to the mall and nordstroms. Not only that, but she could not find an outfit for me in Nordstroms, so she insisted on going to another store It wore her out, but she did it. And then she dragged herself to the shower on Sunday. Although we were the first to leave. Started at 12:30, by 4:15 it was enough. The darn thing lasted till close to 7 She had the strength on Sat b/c there was a "big" emergency in her mind----for my shower, it was casual. Like nice pants and a shirt kind of thing. Well this shower was dressy, like wedding dressy, so I had to wear my only skirt outfit. The emergency that arose for my mom was---what am I giong to wear for teh rehersal dinner on Fri if I was wearing my dressy outfit to the shower, when originally the plan was to wear that outfit on Fri and a more casual pants outfit this weekend? I was like I will just wear a business suit on Fri, but no, no, Ms. Stubborn then gathered her strength and trotted to a few stores before she found something for me to wear. "If you would only lose weight and stay one size, t his would not be so difficult". Hard to argue with her when she IS right
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