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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Wow Laurie, Sounds like your mom is beating all those crazy and wrong statistics... Her story can bring hope to many here...
  2. Melinda, Hopefully you will hear from her soon, from Houston...
  3. Thank you Fay for remembering my dad.. Rosanne, I am not really sure if I am going to make it Saturday , if I come for a while do I still need to register, if I come is it possble to be a bystander and not participate in the walk?
  4. cathy


    Elaine, Bruce is back home , his post is in the general forum under "I'm Back"
  5. cathy


    So happy to see you Ray...Get well soon..
  6. cathy

    I'm Back

    Glad you are home Bruce..Now you can finally get some rest..
  7. cathy


    Just said a prayer David..
  8. Oh Norme, I can so see and hear your sadness, I see the same thing in my mom everyday..I wonder all the time how people get through the death of a LOVED one, its so hard...
  9. Shelly, It is so good to see you here..I just finished reading all about that wonderful son of yours, I agree he is a miracle and a very good looking one...What an incredible journey he has been on and your whole family as well..My brother suffered a closed head injury about 5 years ago, so I know about all the very hard work Nick is going through, being on the brink of life or death is very traumatic to say the least, especially when its our precious babies... It sounds like you have a fantastic family and a wonderful support system in all of them..I'll be praying for Nick to recover from this tragic accident and for you too my friend...XO PS your whole family is beautiful and so are you, its nice to put a face on someone Ive known but never seen..
  10. cathy

    Up On Bruce

    Thanks for letting us know about Bruce.. Get Well Bruce...
  11. Dear Jane, It is not strange at all that you are "out of whack after 3 months." I am still out of whack after almost 13 months..Everything is still so new to you, really 3 months is not a long time to be grieving.. I know the feeling of sitting and staring at the boards when the words will not come to me, but every once in a while someone will post something and I feel like I need to tell them, its okay and you are okay, I feel like I need to tell you its okay and you're okay..Your faith is strong and God will guide you..All of us that have lost our dear loved ones to this disease know your pain and understand, and you're right you have to get "you" better..Its hard I know, I pray that we all can heal and find the peace we are so desparately seeking..
  12. cathy

    3 Month followup

    Rachel, Hoping for clean results for you, and that your dads surgery goes well..
  13. Thanks Tee Tae, What a beautiful soul Dean is.
  14. Thinking of you Norme too..
  15. ((((((Karen, Dave and Peggy too)))))))
  16. cathy


    David, I must say you brought tears to my eyes, especially when thinking of Jessee right before starting, I know Katie is honored..You are remarkable, its truly amazing what you have accomplished.. CONGRATULATIONS
  17. Joanie, I just dont understand some people I suppose their day will come..Good thing you kept the note from April , I bet that moment was priceless..
  18. Thats a tough one Laurie..Sorry I dont really know which way to go, in the meantime I will be thinking of you and hoping it is an infection, please let us know..
  19. cathy

    Hall pass, please.

    Have a safe trip JC, and a good time as well.
  20. Don, Glad to hear Lucie is tolerating chemo, she is so awesome..
  21. ((((((Debi)))))) So glad you are feeling better..
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