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Everything posted by Geri

  1. Geri

    Dadstimeon ~ Rich

    Thanks Rochelle, hopefully this time they'll get to the bottom of it and knock it out once and for all. Geri
  2. This is fantastic, wait for all the last minute money!!!!!!!!!! Geri
  3. Strange I should read this today, it's 6 years since I was hospitalized with pneumonia and got the dreaded dx! I was about to post my anniversary when I read this post......I'm still here, no lc to be seen and not planning on checking out any time soon. I don't think any of us disappear purposely, life takes over and lung cancer recedes from the forefront of our beings. Like Rich, I have another health problem I'm dealing with right now, so I don't post as often, but I read most days and offer support when my energies allow. My story (Geri's tale) has been on the boards for many years so maybe I need to update it and bring it to the top of the list again. My wish is to bring hope to sclc survivors, I made it - why shouldn't you? In the meantime I'm going to celebrate 6 years of survivorship, what a gloriously ordinary 6 years it's been. Geri
  4. Breathe, Jen, breathe! Don't freak out until you know there's something to worry about. It could be any number of things, something as simple as a burst blood vessel due to coughing..........so, deep breaths in the meantime. Geri
  5. long sleeves/long pants
  6. As Kasey and Fred missed my party in Boston this year, I'll bring the appetizers that they missed...... Honey Garlic Wings, Hot Spinach dip Sausage rolls Sorry Kase, no crab dip. Geri
  7. I am thankful that I had new nausea meds with my chemo on wednesday have have felt almost human since. I'm also thankful that my sister is still here and taking care of me.....sit down, I'll do that, do you need something to eat, I'll clear up........what wonderful words. She even made my bed, did the laundry and the ironing. She's a good 'un, I think I'll keep her. I'm usually on my own all day after my tx - someone has to work to pay the bills - so this is a real treat. Geri
  8. Land line phone, email, cell, haven't read the manual yet so text messaging is foreign to me!
  9. Geri

    Thanks so much

    Keeping you all in my thoughts. Geri
  10. Good to see you back, please come often. Geri
  11. Like Lilly I'm a pioneer who has always had electricity and running water! We got married on Saturday and left for Montreal on Thursday, our first 3000 mile trip into the unkown - albeit in a first class cabin on a luxury liner! From there we moved another 3000 miles west to Calgary and then another 3000 miles east to Toronto. The next few moves were pretty tame, 2000 south to TX then 2000 north to VT and now 200 east to MA. Could I have done this in a covered wagon? I don't know, probably not.......it was hard enough at times with all the modern conveniences!! But....two of our moves were made with a travel trailer in tow - does that count?
  12. Geri


    Rochelle, I don't know what to say. Just shock and disbelief at your loss. My thoughts are with you and the children. Geri
  13. Here's to many more Halloween anniversaries. Geri
  14. Maryanne, you've just made my day. I'm so pleased for both of you, go to your walk with a big smile on your faces and celebrate Joel's results. Geri
  15. Thanks Randy, Dean certainly summed it all up with this one. Geri
  16. No offense taken here Roger, but everyone's right - don't read it, don't even think about. I think those "researchers" need to use their energies on something a little more worthwhile, what a waste of time and money....their parents are probably very proud that they spent good money for the education that spawned this report. Geri
  17. Today I'm grateful that I going into week 3 of my chemo schedule and the nausea is lessening as usual. I'm also grateful that I've posponed my next tx until the week after the walk and will feel quite human for the next 2 weeks.
  18. Back to Texas in a heartbeat.
  19. Normal times, no matter how brief, are just magical. I hope you and your Mom have many more. Geri
  20. I'm grateful for the sun that's brightening my world today, and that my husband doesn't go back to VT until tomorrow. I'm most grateful for my sister's arrival here next Thursday, she'll be here for 3 weeks and will be working with us at the walk and coming with me to chemo. She truly is a treasure, I think we'll keep her! Geri
  21. Geri


    Thank you Barb for your duct tape description. I don't have an lc scar but the recent bc surgery under my arm has left me with the same numbness and 'taped' feeling that you've all agreed on. I've been trying to find a way to describe it all summer and duct tape around my upper arm and across my side hit it on the head. Finally I can tell Richard how crappy my arm feels in a way he can understand......now where did he put that duct tape (or better still the gorilla tape) I think I'll show him instead Geri
  22. Congratulations, here's to many, many more anniversaries. Geri
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