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Everything posted by MayFrog

  1. Hope you have an absolutely wonderful time!! Mary
  2. MayFrog

    Update on Mom

    Geoff, Please know that you, your mom, Melinda and your entire family are in my thoughts.......bless you all Mary
  3. MayFrog

    One word...

    Oh, and what a BEAUTIFUL word it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mary
  4. Hi Lori, and welcome to you and your husband! Glad to hear he's handling the chemo well and is still able to work thru it all ( I had the same combo--fatigue was really my biggest complaint). Hope to hear more from you soon, keep us posted!! Mary
  5. Cheryl, so sorry you have to be going thru this right now. I can't add to all the wonderful advice you've been given, but of all the advice I would agree that DOCUMENTATION is #1.....Hope you check out the ADA, too..... Hope all works well for you (and if you ever need someone to drive a bus so someone else can get thrown under it, gimme a call!) Mary
  6. Oh, geeze, can I relate to those nasty night sweats......and i get em first thing in the morning too......mine are a combo of chemo and chemo-induced menopause......Addie described em to a "T" I'm just waiting them out.....my last round of chemo was about 7 weeks ago, and they do seem to be getting better. Wishing you the best, Mary
  7. TAnn.....sorry for this news, but will be sending all kinds of good thoughts your way. I can understand the stress you've been under this past week waiting: I'm having a Brain MRI Wednesday to look for mets, and will be a basket case waiting on the results. Best wishes to you, Mary
  8. TAnn.....sorry for this news, but will be sending all kinds of good thoughts your way. I can understand the stress you've been under this past week waiting: I'm having a Brain MRI tomorrow to look for mets, and will be a basket case waiting on the results. Best wishes to you, Mary
  9. MayFrog

    FINALLY !!!

    Wishing you and your husband the very best for tomorrow....... Mary
  10. Betty....so glad you came through relatively unscathed......thanks for letting us know.....my heart goes out to you all....... Mary
  11. Good thoughts and best wishes to all who are having tests and/or getting results tomorrow!! If there are any left over for Wednesday, Sept 29th.....I'd appreciate them......it's Brain in a Basket time for me again ......having brain MRI Wed AM..... Good luck to us all, Mary
  12. Welcome, Randi, my thoughts are with you and your mom.....keep us posted as to her treatment......... Mary
  13. As usual, I am totally clueless.....but I welcome BoBennet and anyone else dealing with LC to participate on this board.....we all have our ways with dealing with this horrid beast....... Mary
  14. Jane, I'll take your two-cents worth, and raise you another two-cents.....well said!! Mary
  15. Hi Randi.... Bandannas can usually be found in Work N Gear stores (like for construction workers.....they love bandannas!)....Walmart also has a good selection of bandannas with lots of different seasonal, feminine patterns in the Women's section near the pocketbooks and hat/scarf section.......I also went thru my closet, and found many shirts I didn't wear....cut out a square of material from the back.....and, voila, instant bandanna!! Good luck, Mary
  16. ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto
  17. Charolette, Please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of your Husband, Rich. My prayers are with you, Mary
  18. Oh, Fay......you HAVE made a difference.....to me, and many others on this board. I hate the tone of hopelessness I hear in your post, but I can relate all too well. All too often the morning news is filled with man's inhumanity to man.....but hidden among the shootings and stabbings and muggings and robberies is man's true humanity.....the seldom heralded selflessness that we all see everyday, but somehow are blinded to by the hustle & bustle of our busy lives. The anonymous people who are helping the hurricane victims on faraway islands as well as our own Southern neighbors.....the ordinary guy who buys groceries for his elderly neighbor (oh, it's nothing, I was already at the store).....the mom who always has an extra lunch bag or two at school, or welcomes her childrens' friends in for supper (what's one more mouth to feed?)....heartfelt and uplifting posts on a message board from one stranger to another........all these seemingly meaningless gestures from one human being to another......they DO mean something, they mean EVERYTHING......we are the antithesis to barbarianism..... Please, Fay....know that you are loved and valued by everyone around you, even people you don't "know"...... Keep the faith, Mary
  19. FortuneTeller, Please stop torturing yourself with the "what if's".....sounds as if your healthy as a horse.....if you don't trust your primary MD, by all means get a second opinion. Chest pain can be caused by a multitude of things....heartburn, muscle strain, anxiety.....LC in low on the list... If you need to put this to rest, get another opinion......but from what you've written, you seem to be A-OK......enjoy!! hoping for the best, Mary
  20. MayFrog

    A Year

    So glad to see you, DeanCarl.....and may you be with us to see the Pats win another SuperBowl.......this year, and next, and next, and........ Love ya, Mary
  21. Elaine, Actually, this question is really low on the Gross-O-Meter!! (coming from a nurse and mom to 4 kids anyways!! ) Purulence is associated with pus, which in turn indicates infection. The colors to watch for are yellow and green. Yellow isn't so bad (usually enviromental causes)but should still be reported to your doc; but when it starts turning green, that's a sign of infection. Hope all is well, Mary
  22. MayFrog

    My surgery

    Glad everything went A-OK....take it easy!! Mary
  23. Donna, I wholeheartedly agree that stress can cause and/or add to major health issues, both physical and psychological. I've always tried to live by one simple rule: Will (whatever is stressing me out at the time) it matter in 10 years? If the answer is no.....then the heck with it, let it go If yes, then deal with it I know, easy to say......but even just asking the question to myself usually lowers the stress level! Best to you, Mary
  24. Geoff, Sending good thoughts and prayers your mom's way...... Mary
  25. Sharyn, So sorry you and your dad and mom are having such a rough time of it...my thoughts go out to you. Best wishes, Mary
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