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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. ((((Lori)))) Hugs from me, Sue
  2. Linda, I can relate to your anxiety. We have a situation that is quite similar in our family. It's my mom... she's 78. She has emphysema, is on oxygen and under the care of a pulmonologist. On routine xray they picked up on areas of concern, from there she had a CT scan and it also showed small nodules. A PET Scan was done and the only thing that lit up were small areas in her upper right lung. The upshot.. she had a wedge section surgery/biopsy on May 2nd. It was rough on her. She was on ventilator two days following surgery. The biopsy showed 2 small tumors , which were removed and the lymph nodes are ok. That was 3 weeks ago. She is slowly regaining her strength and will soon meet with an oncologist to discuss what she might consider as follow up treatment. I'm sure this doesn't answer your questions, exactly , but it is possibly a case you can relate to. My prayers are with you and your family. Sue
  3. Prayers from me too. I thought I had posted before. I've been praying . Love, Sue
  4. Tina, Know that you will be missed. I will always feel a special bond to you. Your Charlie and my Mike died so close to the same time and many of their symptoms were the same . I won't forget your friendship and support during those days. My best to you and your girls. Love and Prayers, Sue
  5. Don, I refuse to say Good Bye. You can't leave us all behind and not come back to say hello. I hope you will check in from time to time to let us know how you are. You have and always will have friends here. Thank you , Don , for all that you have given to all of us and I wish you well in future endeavors. May God be with you. Until we meet Again, Sue
  6. shineladysue


    Connie, Thank you for the 4,000 times you shared part of yourself with us. You are truly an inspiration to others and your support means so much to us all. God Bless you Connie. May you continue to be here to post thousands more posts. Love, Sue
  7. shineladysue

    Two Years

    Hi Kel, It's good to hear from you. Glad you are doing well. We will never forget the ones we have lost, but it's good to hear that you can be happy . I'm sure that is what your mom would want for you. God Bless, Sue
  8. Cheryl, I'm sorry you have been hurt. I'll never understand why people go out of their way to hurt one another. This board is about supporting one another and helping when and if we can. In my opinion, there just isn't room for unkind words. Hope you will stay with us. May God Bless you. Sue
  9. Hi Mark, Of course, I remember you. I'm so very happy for you. I truly believe that Leslie would have wanted you and Kathy to be together. I've been thinking about Leslie a lot lately, as many have. She had such an incredibly positive attitude and a wonderful sense of humor. I remember the picture of her making the fish face... lol . A part of her still lives on in the pages of this site. She was just a beautiful person. Thanks for checking in and know that we are still here for you. Sue
  10. (((Missy))), I'm so sorry you and your family has to endure the pain of the loss of your mom. Wish I knew all the right words to say , but I don't , I never have and I never will. My heart goes out to all of your family. May Sue rest in peace. God be with you all. Love, Sue
  11. Heidi, This is just incredibly wonderful news. I'm thrilled for you and your family and I thank you for sharing it with us. Prayers coming . God Bless, Sue
  12. Lisa, I am so very sorry you have had so much heartache and loss to go through in a short period of time. I'm just at a loss for words. Know that my prayers are with you and we will be here if you need us. God Bless, Sue
  13. Mary, My heartfelt sympathy is with you and your family. May God be with you and yours through this very painful and difficult time. Love, Sue
  14. Praying for you, your Dad and your family. God be with you . Sue
  15. Kelly, Such a nice tribute to your mom. Sue
  16. Jessica, Would just like to add my prayers , as well. Sue
  17. Welcome Richard, You said two things that say a lot. You said "just diagnosed" which means that you are probably just beginning to get a game plan of attack in place. Second of all, you said "early stage" and that is in your favor. As Randy has said, do fill out your profile and keep track of everything. There is a wealth of information here, take your time looking around and I think you will find a lot of hope and encouragement. You will certainly find support. People, here, understand everything you are going through. They will soon become your second family. God Bless, Sue
  18. Nothing exciting, but I do find washing Kleenex infuriating... I just want to sit down and cry when I find all that mess all over my dark slacks and socks etc. waaaaaaa... Debbie , your hampster???? omg. Sue
  19. Welcome Yirol, I just want to welcome you to our family and say that I think it's great that your dad has such a wonderful fighting spirit. Hope the Tarceva will work. In the meantime, if he can drink them, Ensure and or Boost are a great way to get down nutrition. Know that we are here for you. Sue
  20. (((Marie))), I'm sure your friend meant well. It seems people just don't know what to say. They either say nothing about cancer or they go overboard with advice. I sure didn't and still don't know what to say even though I've been a caregiver and a part of this family for a long time now. I love reading your profile because it is so positive... Yay you. Sue
  21. shineladysue

    She's gone

    (((Kelly))), I am so very sorry. My prayers are going out for your family during this painful time. Luv , Sue
  22. Cindy, I've thought about you and wondered how you were doing. It's so good to see your post. Being a 6 year survivor is just a wonderful thing to be celebrating. Hope we will be hearing more from you. Know that you always have a family here. Love, Sue
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