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Please pray for my mom


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Please pray for my mom as today she received a call from nurse at hospital and nurse asked mom to do brain MRI by a doctor after she did the brain CT 2 weeks ago. Date for MRI not yet scheduled and the next visit will be on Dec 30th. I asked my mom to ask if a prior appt can be arranged before MRI as I want to meet the doctor and ask him what's going on and the result of the CT scan.

My mom 4 years ago did a surgery that took away the Arteriovenous malformations located between the skin and the skull (not inside the skull).

I hope she is just fine and we all are too tired to take up addition. Please pray for my mom. Thanks.

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thanks for all your kind words. The doctor appt is just scheduled on Dec 16 afternoon and the MRI will be done on Dec 21st. I can't fall into good sleep yesterday after knowing this news. Just keep dreaming and worrying.

Thanks for your prayers and we need it badly. will keep you posted. many thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear all friends, I met mom's doctor yesterday and the MRI result is normal. For the problem of noise making from her throat, doctor cannot explain why and it probably is caused by neurosurgery in the past but he cannot tell the reason why it happens. He asked my mom if this really bothers her daily life so they can prescribe some meds to her. We both think this is unnecessary as they can't assure this problem would be stopped by taking the meds and moreover, there is side effect. So we leave it aside.

Thanks for all your prayers and I am thankful that I have all of you as my supporting friends. Wishing all of you a healthy and happy Year 2005. :lol:

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