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Hello Everyone, I had my mediastinoscopy today and a fiber optic bronchoscopy too. So my dr stopped the lung resection because when he got down to the lymph nodes and tested the mass it was cancer. My next step is the oncologist. He said after I have treatments he would do the surgery but first I have to get a bone and brain scan. Then I will take it from there. So now it will be one day at a time. I feel ok other than I am very sore from the cut under my neck and from all the brushing done in the chest. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughtfulness.

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Knowledge is power, don't forget! Now that the doctor knows about the lymph nodes it can be properly treated with chemo before the surgery. I had chemo and radiation before surgery ( and chemo after) , it can be done! Praying for great results from chemo. Donna G

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I'm so sorry that you didn't get better results with the scope. I hope that the next steps you take in your battle will get you one step closer to NED. Take care of yourself and especially your throat over the next few days.


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I'm so sorry and I'll be praying for you.

I want to share something with you that my mom's Pastor shared with me after mom's biopsy came back positive. He said a few Sundays ago, everyone was praying around the alters, and He felt the Lord tell him, 'God is still God, regardless of the circumstances', and he felt it very specifially for my mom that day. That helped me so much.

Keep your eyes on Him, no matter what.



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I wish you would of had the news you wanted.. I also, had this experience. After 16 weeks of chemo and 7 weeks of radiation. The doctors all along said I would never be a surgery candiate. Then one day, unexpectantly, they wanted to try to do the mediastinoscopy and if no lymphs nodes on the left side were cancerous I would have my right lung removed. Well it never happened... the lung removal. There was one solo lymph node in the AP window with cancer cells. I was devasted.... You have an advantage. You KNOW, now before other treatments. Surgery is more promising for you. But I know how your heart aches, and also your body... It sounds like a little procedure, but it will make you sore. I had the chamberlain procedure which is a cut 4 inch on the chest ...yours is at the neck, I believe. I will think of you and hope you are feeling great soon.. Try to be positive.. I believe all things happen for a reason. And I know things will be brighter soon. Blessings...gina

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Prior to radiation, be SURE your surgeon, your oncologist and your radiation oncologist are ALL on the same page. Too much radiation and you will not be a candidate for surgery - from what others have posted, scar tissue does not heal and surgery will not be done if there is too much scar tissue from radiation.

This news is not all bad, just a bump in the road.

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