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Baby Vibes (off topic)


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So... my due date is tomorrow, and I would love it if those of you who might read this would send us some baby vibes/prayers for baby's arrival. My husband will have to leave to go play on the boat in about 2.5 weeks. So... we're really trying to get her here to squeeze in some good time for them to be together.

Come on Baby! Come meet us!

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Oh I hope she arrives right on her due date! The Jillianator did! You know...I read an article that balsamic vinegar is noted for starting labor. Send hubbbie out to buy some balsamic dressing and make yourself a nice salad. :P

Good luck...ummmm I'm thinking baby pool. My guess on weight is 8lbs. 10 ozs. :shock:

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I have been doing baby vibes all day already, I want to insert one into me to start baking so it will come out eventually :)

So I am now doing more baby vibes that your baby comes out REAL soon healthy happy and laughing and smiling :):)

I guess if we dont see you for a day or so, labor happened :)

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I'm in the pool, RY! Put me down for 15 pounds! :shock:

Kidding, kidding...first baby, little girl.... 7 lbs., 12 ounces....and my estimate is March 5...

Oh, Val, I hope you have an uneventful labor, all goes according to the playbook and the baby is out before you realize it really hurts!

Five things to be thankful for with baby's impending arrival:

1) Your husband hasn't shipped out yet

2) Drugs

3) Update labor/delivery/recovery rooms that are more like a spa vacation with jacuzzi

4) Nurses with ice chips

5) Being surrounded by love

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Hi, sorry don't know your name, but baby vibes is coming your way.

You may have posted before, but justacoupleof questions.... is this your first, and do you know the sex? What names do you have picked out.

I say the baby will weight 8lbs and will come on March 4th.

Good luck!!!! It is nice to have something positive around here, expecially as something as precious as a baby.


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Thinking baby vibes for ya!! Are you not just sooo excited?? and a wee bit afraid?? Everything will go great, and before your hubby ships out too!!

Like someone already said I guess if we dont see you, we will know where you are. So do not go a day without posting unless its happened.Okay??


7lbs 14 1/2oz

Good luck, your daughter is going to have a wonderful Mommie.


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Sending baby vibes your way and prayers for an uneventful, smooth delivery .... the fact that a new person is arriving to meet the world is and EVENT in itself.

Both mine were late but I am hoping for the best for you.

I'm going to go with a healthy 9 pounder. I'm not being mean, honest. My 10 pounder was 5 hours labor from start to finish and easy ... relatively speaking.

If you get a chance to walk during labor it really can help.

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Sorry, Val, but I'm not going to jump up and down for anybody. LOL!

But I know you must be very uncomfortable and ready for new baby girl or new baby boy to loudly announce their presence into your world, so I'm going to continually visualize a crying baby and a smiling mommy. That ought to do it!



P.S. Edited to add weight guess: 7 lbs. 4 oz.

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8 lbs., 9 oz. Born on March 5th...sometime in the wee hours.

Healthy and happy!! Easy labor and delivery. Destined for Honor Roll and an easy kid to raise! :) Never Crayons any walls or puts any dents in any cars. Remembers everyone's birthdays and always.....Mother's Day and Father's day.

In other words....dream child! SOMEBODY'S gotta have one!! :wink:

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Hi Val,

Just wondering what is going on with your mom. Did anything change, is she taking your calls now?

Hope the arrival of your baby daughter goes real smooth.

take care, thinking of you,


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Val, go for a nice bumpy ride. Or i've heard castor oil or cooked cabbage does the trick! :D I'll guess 9lbs. 5 oz. (that was Nicolas' weight). I'm so sorry you have to wait; both of mine came 2 and 2 1/2 weeks early! I'll be thinking of you and praying it's soon!( thinking today, water breaks around 2pm and then it's on!!!) Sound good! I'll be thinking it!!! :D Good luck!

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