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Update - More Scans - More Waiting - Big Step


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Not too much to report from the onc visit today for my husband. The good news is that the nodule under his arm is a cyst and not a lymph node, the rest is get more scans and wait some more.

Scans have been scheduled to check the hip/leg pain and the pericardial effusion, as well as to see if the cancer is on the move to decide if he should stop Tarceva and try Alimta. He is getting a PET Scan for the bones, CT for chest, abdomen & pelvis, and Echocardiogram for the effusion.

The onc wanted to get the PET right away, so it's next week, the CT and echo are the following week, and follow up with the doctor on the 27th. I'm hoping he will call us before the 27th if the PET shows anything. And if he doesn't, I know I can't wait that long, so I will give him a couple of days and then I'll call him.

The major thing going on is that hubby has decided to take a medical leave. It's just getting way too hard for him to work. He's so wiped out by the end of the day, that it's all he can do just to drag himself to bed. His quality of life will be so much better if he can let go of the pressure of feeling like he has to go to work and pace himself doing things he enjoys doing. When I get home from work every night, he is already asleep, and on the weekends lately, he still cuts the grass and does his usual stuff, albeit at a slower pace, but then he doesn't have enough energy or desire to even go out to eat. He just wants to go to bed and sleep because he's so worn out. He just doesn't have the endurance he used to.

My husband has always been a hard worker every waking moment of his life - if not on the job, here at home. He just never stops. I call him the Energizer Bunny because he keeps going and going and going, and he will do the same thing with this disease until he can't go anymore.

So, this was a very hard decision for him to make. We had to talk and get past his thoughts that it meant he was giving up. In an email to him at work I said, "Heck, maybe we can even take a trip." His response was "Can we take the dogs as checked baggage?" LOL! I got him to thinking about some of things he/we could do, so he didn't see it as giving up, and that more rest would help him continue to fight back this disease.

Our son is still in the hospital, but showing some signs of improvement. It's been 26 days now. The doctor added enzyme tablets and started letting him have clear liquids yesterday and trying full liquids tonight. I think her plan is to see if she can get him eating successfully with the help of the enzymes and maybe release him, even if he still has an elevated lipase level.

The longer he is in there, the greater the risk of pneumonia, blood clots, etc. I know the doctor also really wants to pull the PICC line and stop the TPN since the longer he's getting that, the greater risk of infection. As you know, an infection in your blood is not a good thing. Sooooo, we'll see how he does the next couple of days.

So, my men are keeping me hopping - that's for sure. I sure do love them, though, and I wouldn't choose to be doing anything else.

You all take care. I'm checking in every day and trying to keep up with at least a few posts every day or so.

Love to all,


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You have so much going on but are still being a cheerleader. Your giving spirit never ceases to amaze me.

I am glad to hear that the lump was a cyst - phew! and glad to hear that that boy of yours is starting to come around. Will continue to pray that he get better, and soon!

As for the hubby, will be praying for good news and a plan to get rid of the pain. Glad to hear that he is taking leave, make him take you somewhere warm with half dressed :shock: cabana boys waiting on you hand and foot, you so deserve to be pampered.

Much Love to you Peggy and her boys!!!


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It is good to see you post again Peggy: I am glad to hear that your husband's underarm bump is just a cyst. I have an inkling that the scans will bring news of favorable results.

I have been doing chemo, and it has not been too bad, but I do sleep a lot. I miss work (sick leave) about 4 days in a 3 week period. I will be done in mid-June . I will be glad when it is over.

I hope your son gets out of the hospital SOON.

You all have my best wishes for health and well being.

Don M

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I am glad to see your update Peggy. I think your husband will be very glad he took the leave from work. I am amazed he has been able to do it so long. Maybe you can get him to take up cooking. :wink: Your poor son..hope he's out soon.


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Our dear Peggy,

Thank you for the update. We so understand how hard that decision is to make. Brian's tools are coming home on Sunday afternoon. He is really struggling.

The hard part is trying to find the balance.

We struggle to stay positive and determined all the while faced w/ his lack of physical stamina. Every day we remind ourselves that the TX is causing his symptomology rather than the cancer.

We have bee praying every day that your hubby's "lump" was not related to cancer. Praise God for the good news.

Now, we will thank God for the good news and renew prayer for progress thru treatment and God's mercy against the cancer.

Peggy, we understand and we care and we send support and love for you and Don.

Thank you for being here and sharing your lives with us and reminding us we are not alone.


Pat and Brian

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Glad to hear the lump is just a cyst. That's good news! Now that your husband is on medical leave from work, as you say, he should have more energy and stamina to fight the "beast". Hopefully, the two of you will be able to go on a trip somewhere once all those darned scans are done. I suspect your husband who needs to be busy all of the time may not have travelled all that much. He might find that he really enjoys himself at a bit slower pace. Prayers to your husband, son, and you. Please keep us updateed.

Gail p-m

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Peggy....you are amazing! I'm so glad to know it was a cyst under DH's arm. And I agree, the medical leave from work is a good idea. The two of you will get a little quality time from this, I hope...and maybe even the dogs too, eh? :wink:

I hope your son will soon be released from the hospital too. Sheesh...what a long haul he's had...but it sounds like he's on the mend!

Keep up that spirit of your, Peggy! You inspire us all with your positivity! (Is that really a word? :wink: Maybe we should call it pegitivity? 8) )

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Hi Peggy,

You are amazing, how you have such a full plate and you don't let it get you down. You have to be such an inspiration for them both!!

The best thing for your husband right now is the leave of absence. So now he can concentrate on getting rest and his strength back.

I pray for him and your son. Also much strength for you. As if anyone needs it you certainly do.

Keep as posted as always.


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Peggy, my prayers are with you, hubby and son. I think it was good for your husband to let go of the job and concentrate on the cancer. He will need to get intersted in something though, so it isn't all cancer. Does he have any hobbies or special interests he can pursue? Don

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Thanks everyone! Believe me, there is nothing amazing about me. One of the new people on here (daddy's little girl) posted the other day that her father has lc and she talked about her mother being so strong. She said her mother has always said "Just do it - don't think about it." That's me! That's exactly what I do. I just do what I have to do and don't think about it, or think about it as little as possible. When I do think about it, believe me, you would see that there's nothing amazing about me. :shock:

Becky, I know right where that place is. It's very close to us, but we sure will wait until after the race. I have to drive past the track every morning and every night for work, and there's enough traffic and people out there to scare me away instead of lure me in. LOL!

Don, We had that discussion just this morning about what he would do with his time. I can tell that making this decision has lifted a huge weight off of him, though. We went out for breakfast and he was very talkative. We actually have a good-sized lot (almost an acre) with lots of trees and plants and flowers, and a small garden, so for the spring and summer, he will enjoy that. We also talked about a new hobby or him maybe finding some volunteer work. I think he's very nervous about this whole thing because he is so used to a strict schedule and being on the move all the time.

He'll be ok, but now he says he's thinking about not starting it until we get the next scan results on the 27th. :roll: Also, when he does do it, he's going to burn all his vacation first (which is a lot) before starting the leave.

Ry: Yeah, baby! He can have a hot meal ready for me every night. I like that idea!

Love to all,


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Prayers Prayers Prayers for your family! I am very hopeful that this leave of absence will be a great thing for the two of you - especially for the upcoming warm weather.

As for your son, I hope he is out of the hospital and fully recovered soon!

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My love and best wishes to you - what a difficult period you are going through! I hope that you and hubby are able to relax and spend some great times together (before you get him started on all that yard work :wink: ), and that your son continues to improve and can come home soon.

May the love and support that you show for the rest of us come back to you ten-fold!


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My body forced me to take a medical leave during my chemo for the breast cancer. I was going to be tough and work--so for a week I was in bed every night by 7. Undiagnosed intestinal bleeding landed me in ICU for 11 days, and I didn't return for 2 months.

Best thing I ever did. I was able to foacus on my family, and with short rests throughout the day we had a pretty normal evening.

And my house was sparkling clean, laundry done, dinners cooked. I tell the story of actually standing at the oven waiting for the chicken timer to pop--everything else was ready.

Sending best wishes to you and your boys


PS get a pedicure :wink:

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Glad to hear about the cyst. Hope your son continues to improve, also. As for hubby, the time to do things that give he and you pleasure will be wonderful. My hubby had to leave his job at the beginning of his recurrence and never go back. We have spent a lot of quality time together. Sometimes, he is bored, but he has learned to adjust and be thankful for every sunrise.. :)

Know that you aren't waiting for those scan results alone. We are right there with you. God Bless you and your family.

Love and Prayers,


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Dearest Peggy,

You're just wonderful and appear so strong although I imagin there is a woman inside that is crying. I am so glad your DH has decided on a medical leave so that he may enjoy his life with his family instead of being too tired to really be a part when he gets home. That has to be such a relief for you. How you are dealing with both hubby and son ill is not done alone as you know God is there to help. I am sure DH and Son are also worrying about each other. I am thrilled to hear it was a cyst and not a lympe node. At first I think it will be hard for Don to have all this time that was taken up from work before, he will adjust and a trip does sound wonderful for him and you both. Kennel those dogs !! LOL

I think of you a lot and worry about you and you're family. I ask God how I can be a blessing to you and just being here and supporting you is all I can do as we live so far apart. The best thing I can do is to pray for you all and I am praying all the time!

I love you Peggy and I am waiting to hear how those scans come out and praying they will make you all :D !!!

God Bless you're family always,


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Hi Jane,

It's sooooo good to see you, even if it is across cyber wires! I wish I could give you a big hug in person, but this is the best I can do. (((((JANE))))))

You are very perceptive. Yes, inside I am crying, like I'm sure everyone is that is a member of this board. Like everyone else, I just can't believe this is happening and wish I could do something to stop it. I just try to not think about the outcome and stay in the moment doing what I need to do. It works for me and gets me through each day.

You are also very perceptive about the two of them being worried about each other. Hubby is concerned about our sons future and his ability to make some big changes in his lifestyle if he wants to stay well, and our son is overwhelmed with his dad's illness.

We only tell our son a little at a time because that's all he can handle. We did tell him recently that there is no cure, that his dad has some hip and leg discomfort, and that he's going to take a medical leave. We haven't told him the extent of the disease, though, i.e., that the brain tumors are growing, etc. His doctor is aware of the situation and has him on two anti-depressents now.

I was going to write to you in a PM, but wanted to do it publicly, so I could tell everyone here that you are one special lady and that you are the Jane Rejda at the top of these pages that hosts this website. You have been away too long and have been missed so much. I know that we all, collectively, hope and pray that you are coping better with the loss of Alan and having a great life with your husband and children.

I love you and miss you,


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Peggy,glad to hear of only the cyst.Hubby will enjoy being off work once he has a couple days to get used to it.

I was always a workaholic,but really do enjoy not having to go to work.(almost 2 years now and haven't worked a real job).

Hope the both of you enjoy the extra time together you will have now.

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Hi Peggy,

Thank you for letting us know about Jane. There are probably so many of us who had no clue.

Jane, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting this web site together. I don't know what we would have done if this site did not exist.

I could imagine how much time and sweat you put into this to get it up and running. You are an angel!!

You have persoanlly helped so many of us heal as we have each other to feed upon for knowledge and support. This site has given us hope when we had no idea where to go or turn too.

Also, you do a wonderful job of keeping off outside advertisers and pop-ups. Thank you so much.

I know this is Peggy's post. But I have been so intrigued with all of this, that I just want to say,

THANK YOU from the bottom or my heart.

I am also so sorry for your loss and I pray that you are coping better with time.

God Bless You!!

Peggy thank you for sharing that.


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Dear Maryann,

I did not get this web site together nor do I help run it, that is a gift you can thank Katie and Rick Brown for. Last year when my Brother died(June 11th) and his birthday (June 19th) came and went and my birthday followed on June 21st I was in a heap of sorrow. It was my 50th birthday and I didnt want to go or do anything, an e mail came through from Katie and Rick looking to drum up some money to help sponser this site. My husband and I put up the full amount in memory of my Brother Alan and because of all the help and support I had found here. I wanted that to be available for everyone and I am sure without my help it would have been. It gave me enormous joy to be able to do this and was a birthday present to my lost Brother and I.

I just wanted to clear up the misconception so the rightful people were noticed for all they have done.

I love you all and pray for you all daily.

God bless you and yours,


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I have been so out of touch. I am sooo sorry that things are going so rough right now. Thank goodness it was a cyst. So sad to hear of your son's illness too. Taking the leave is a wonderful decision -although I am well aware how hard it is for these very active men to take it a bit easy. It is such a different life once they leave the working world. Even though Steve was never one to "hang out with the guys" he has met with his old boss for a walk and coffee and it really helped. That way he wasn't so completely cut off from the world he knew and they could talk business instead of cancer.

My prayers for you all.

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:( Peggy, I hope everything is alittle better for you now--as I know this post is late. But just a week ago --you were giving me the encouragement-even though you have all this going on in your life!!!

You are truly amazing and I want you to hang in there and be strong. I am praying for you and your family. God bless you, Nancy C :):)

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