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Mike and Nicole walked together down the isle

nancy c

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:D:D:D:D Hey Everyone-how are you all?? I'm am so sorry but with the wedding I have been swamped. My pilot son(Matt) justed fly back to his home an hour ago. So now I can tell everyone--Mike walked Nicole down the isle on her wedding day with his cane--went to the reception(had a little rest period between) and even danced the father/bride dance, and danced once with me!!! It was a miracle! Prayers do work!

We had over 400 guests and when Mike and Nicole danced--he had his own cheering section!!!

(clapping,screaming and alot of tears)

Nicole was beautiful and the evening was perfect. Mike stayed for probably 2 hours at the reception then a friend took him back to the hotel.He went to bed and the next day we went home. He had a Dr's appt

today and this morning he dressed himself--even down to his socks and shoes. Those of you who have been so very ill--know how much of an accomplishment that is.He is seeing the Dr. on a weekly basis now. I am praying for him to grow strong so we may take a cruise and just get away. :):):) Our three children are the best --they all pitched in-Shane(he's the oldest-he's 32) gave his dad a shower and dressed him the day of the wedding. That gave me a relief to do what I had to for Nicole and her big day. It was perefect!!! Thanks to all of you for your kinds words and encouragement. It truly is a gift to post at this site and vent.God bless all of you, Nancy C

P.S.Mike also went to the rehersal and the dinner but did leave alittle early due to fatigue

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So glad it turned out to be a perfect day! Hope there are many pictures to record the event. I am so glad God grants some of our requests.

Hopefully this day will remain in Nicole's memory for a ifetime - as in yours as well.


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I have tears in my eyes reading your post. I can just imagine how special it was to your husband (and Nicole) to be able to walk Nicole down the aisle and then to be able to do the father/bride dance. That's so wonderful!!! Prayers that Mike's strength keeps on growing and growing.

Gail p-m

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Please read my story under newcomers welcome-- The father of the year award-- sometime and you will know just what that really means to have your father there to walk you down the isle. I am almost crying here just thinking of 12/23/04 when my dad did the same for me. I can't even explain to people what that day really meant. Not only to me but to my father as well.....So happy for you all....

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Oh Nancy, I told you, I just knew he would be walking Nicole down that isle. Plus a bonus the dance, incredible. Do you believe in miracles? What a difference a couple of weeks makes.

Mikes story brought tears to me. I am so happy for all of those PRICELESS moments. That will stay etched in so many people's memories forever.

What wonderful family you have. They all pitched in to help. You are blessed there.

I know that Mike will continue to gain strength and get better. Just keep the faith going.

I am sorry happy for all of you!! :wink:


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:D Thanks to all of you for your responses. It truly was a great day and everything was perfect. I am planning on going back to work tomorrow. I have been off more than a week and now I feel I need some diversion from home.Mike is getting strong slowly but surely. I know it will take several weeks. He is eating really well. Please continue to pray for us. Thanks -I will have pictures as soon as I figure out how to put them on this post. God bless,Nancy C
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Hi Nancy,

I read this shortly after you posted it, and had to choke back tears. This is just so touching to know that he made it. The tears came when I read how the guests applauded him. How cool! Just so, so cool!

Sending you and your family many hugs and prayers.



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