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Need prayers for Surgery


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I'm glad I got to see this post before your surgery. Boy do I understand those words "emotional meltdown". Had one myself recently.

I know that surgery is no fun - have had several of them myself, but the discomfort will be worth getting rid of the *$%@&^!$# cancer!

Prayers coming your way.



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The good news is that adrenal gland will be out of there. Try to enjoy the weekend with that wonderful boyfriend. You have been through worse. I know you are a little upset about surgery, that is very normal, but we are all praying for you and you will be fine.


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Hi Sandy.

One friend used much visualization and affirmations before and even had one of the nurses read her affirmations as she was being given sedation. It helped her tremendously to breeze through the surgery and even recovery!

We are there with you..I will be sitting with Ginny in the cyber waiting room knitting something very pink.

love, Cindi o'h

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Sandy, I forgot to ask you - how long are you going to be in "Club Med", and is the wonderful boyfriend looking after OUR Princess?

Our little dog "learned" how to swim a little over a week ago and we can't keep her out of Grampa's pond. Andrew (the DragonSlayer) would LOVE to watch Princess and Cookie play as only two "Pond Puppies" can.

Send me more specifics, K?

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Thank you everyone for all your love and support.

Had a GREAT weekend - now I'm exhausted. I just keep saying "I'll get plenty of rest AFTER Wednesday!"

Between my daughters and my boyfriend, Paul, the darling Priness should be well cared for. As for them swimming together - I don't know - Ry, when's the next picnic?!?!?

Becky is on the call list, so she should have something to post Wednesday afternoon. They say I'll be in from 5-7 days.....but they don't know me too well - I'll be itching to get out sooner, unless I'm heavily sedated!

Chin's up - getting house and work in order - all will be good........

Hugs and prayers,


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