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Thank you from David's sister


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I am sorry, the Chapmans have lost a husband, father, brother, and son. I am glad David is without pain.

My best to all that were close to David to get through the trying times ahead. Enjoy the good memories he has left you with.


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Oh Becky,

We honestly lost a great friend, and I know you lost a wonderful brother. I am without words, other then I know he is in Heaven and I know he will watch over each and every one of us.


I am so happy that you, your mom,dad, Tammy and Karen were all with him when he left this world to go to a better one. We WILL see him again.

(David, go sit High Upon that Mountain and Blow that Trumpet my friend) I will miss you.

Much Love,Hugs,& Support,


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Becky, I am so heart broken for the Chapman family after reading this terrible news. Believe me when I say there is no need to thank us for praying for your wonderful brother. I cannot even count the number of times that Dave's posts have been the only thing that I have found in this entire world to smile about. God now has a very special angel in His presence....one who can blow that trumpet very loud!!! I will continue praying for the entire Chapman family, as I know how hard the upcoming days will be for all of you! God Bless!

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Becky, I cried when I read your post. I know how you feel. I am so saddened for this, feeling upset in my heart. My heart tears for your loss. :cry::cry:

I like Dave very much as I respect his dignity. He was diagnosed almost the same period as my dad. He did it very good, he fought it so hard. I believe Dave is now with my dad.

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Becky, I kept seeing the topic of your post, and every time, I'd wonder why you were thanking us, when it's us who should be (and are) thanking David and his entire family for sharing their journey and battles with us, and for being really honest about their feelings and experiences. And then, there are the silly blonde pictures too -- what a hoot!

So, thank you and David and Karen for all you've done and will continue to do for many of us who had the chance to come to know you through this forum.

God bless you all.


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I can barely read your words without breaking down. I would be devastated if I had lost my brother. Are you doing ok? What about Karen? Is she holding together ok? Your parents? And little Faith? Oh my, this is all so hard.

I wish I had some wonderful, inspiring and helpful words to share, but I just don't.

God bless you all!



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Becky and Karen,

I am so very sorry to hear you have lost DavidC, I was extremely upset to hear it. He was a very special human being. He was such a fighter, and such an inspiration, and his humor was priceless. He reminded me so much of my friend who died of sclc in 09/03 in so many ways. I am sorry for his suffering and for the terrible pain he has had to endure, it breaks my heart. Thankfully at least he is free from that now. I'm sorry, I just don't know what else to say. My thoughts and prayers are with you and with little Faith, and with all the Chapman family in this difficult time.



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