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I'm gonna call it good news


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Well, had my CT scan and absolutely no change since last month. Have made the decision to see the glass as half full, so repeating over and over "stable is good, stable is good." Doctor reminds me going 7 months from dx without any progression IS good.

Like the Rolling Stones say, "You can't always get want you want...but if you try sometimes, you get what you need." :roll: Only feel like making a minor Woohoo tonight. Give me a couple of days and I'll realise it really deserves a big honkin' Woohoo! My oxygen was 97 - the nurse's was only 93! (Just moved to Denver area and she's not acclimated to the altitude yet.) That made me feel good.

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stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great

stable is GREAT stable is GREAT stable is Great


Love Cindy

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if nothing changes, then nothing changes!!!

It takes a little while for all of my cells to accept good news too. You are not alone in this. For me, usually 3 days after a good report, all of me is in agreement. Sometimes it is easier to accept bad news.

Cindi o'h

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Dearest, sweet, Leslie,

I saw your post to me on my thread, and I can assure you that not being 100% pleased with stable is very normal.

I remember posting right here on this board how I didn't feel good about it when Don got "stable". Like everyone else, I thought & wanted there to be shrinkage. I was really quite disappointed. Little did I realize how good stable really is. It was at least a year ago, so it would take me forever to find that thread, but everybody said the same thing to me that stable was good, and I just didn't get it. It wasn't good to me. I didn't get it then, but I do get it now.

And, guess what? STABLE IS GOOD!! LOLOL! Congratulations, sweetie! May you have years and years and years of STABLE!!!!



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A big sincere "thank you" to everyone. You've all become really important to me and your responses mean a lot.

I KNEW you'd all be there for me and you are! (Oh, now I'm starting to sound like Sally Field at the Oscars- "You like me! You really like me!") :roll:

But your words and support don't just touch my mind anymore - they touch my heart.


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Dear Leslie

Stable is excellent. Think of this a cronic disease that needs to be kept in check. So long as it sits there and does not move then that is fine.

So far so good. I think the main indicator is how you feel and if you feel ok then you should try and enjoy life. I know that is sometimes easier said than done. Also as I try and tell myself the longer you can keep stable the more time this allows for new treatments to become available/



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I do believe I tend to be like you....worry and often see the half empty glass as opposed to the half full one. We probably should counsel one another :) !

From all I have read, stable is a good report. Oh yes, shrinkage and gone are GREAT words to hear. But look how long you have felt good and kept everything STABLE! NO progression! Hurray.

Hopefully the GOOD news will sink on over the weekend. When it does, let me know so I can join you in the BIG woohoo! I'm saving it.

Many good wishes sent to you today,


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Dear Leslie.

STABLE IS GREAT NEWS!! So glad this is your case.

You are such a shining star on this forum. I love your humor and enthusiasm.

Know tht stable is fine for now and hopefully down the road lots of shrinkage.

Great news Leslie, WOO HOO it up!!


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We love stable.

Stable: no progression of disease.

What could be wrong w/ that???

We offer our woo hoo to join w/ the others and continue to hold you in prayer.

Thanks for all the contributions you make to the forum and for always lifting us up.


Pat and Brian

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