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IT's a girl!


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When is the princess due? I know, it's an ESTIMATED time, but when?

Congrats, by the way - and are you sure it's just one girl? What if it all evens out to three and three? :wink:

Oh, duh, if you're sure it's a girl, you know how many are hanging out in the playroom, as well...LOL

Really, congratulations!

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Congrats. :) Having spent the last 34 yrs. surrounded by an over-abundance of testosterone...I had to wait for my future DIL to feel like I finally have a girl. But feel it, I do. 8)

Just think...while the boys are out getting dirty, finding frogs and playing any game that has a ball included in the equipment....you and your daughter can head for the mall or do more girly things. Such fun. Best of both worlds.

Congrats again...

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I am so glad that you are finally having a baby girl!!!

I can see how spoiled and protective she will be with 3 older brothers. :shock:

Now you can buy pink, and ruffles and bows.. :D

But with 3 brothers I have a feeling she will grow up with all kinds of scrapes and boo boos, climbing trees, football etc. She will be one tough cookie. :roll:

Congratulations!!! :mrgreen::wink:


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