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Okay, I am IN!

cindi o'h

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I got out yesterday...

In conclusion...looks like the scarring is still there.

It is the asthma that has been wreaking havoc with me. I am still on prednisone for radiation pnuemonitis almost a year and they want me off it.

They are starting me on Singulair to help with my breathing. I will be going to pulmonary rehab. as my lung capacity is at 43%. The echo showed a small effusion on my heart, but that has been there for about 2 years.

They were concentrating mostly on my asthma and with all the nebs that I had, was still not able to get rid of it.

I will be following up with my pulm. closely until we can knock this inflammation out once and for all. I am not getting rid of Timmy Tom. He is old...almost 19, but he is my geriatric buddy.

That is about all I know. I don't like hospitals. No I don't.

I am somewhat disappointed that it wasn't something that could be immmediately and readily fixed and I could walk out with some restored breath and a spring in my step. Looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me and, hopefully, I will be able to regain a few percentage points of lung capacity.

Cindi o'h

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Glad you got out, but still carrying the asthma

with you, WATCH OUT for the **singulair** it is tought on teeth, with your knowledge you should

find something that would prevent any problem

with them.

It may be slow to get back in form, but it's not




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Hi Cindi,

I don't know how I missed your post. Thank G-d it is not the cancer. Hopefully with the new drug it will help your breathing. Working with the pulmonary will also help.

Please keep us posted with your progress. Eventhing crossed that this will work and your breathing capacity will increase.

Take care girlfriend,

Maryanne :wink:

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Good luck in getting some air back Cindi. I am glad it is not cancer, but I know it is still a tough thing to deal with athsma that persists.

I have never had athsma. Three of my 4 children have it. I was describing to my son what it felt like to walk up a hill and not be able to get enough breath no matter how hard I sucked it in. His response was, "now you know what it feels like to have athsma".

Get well soon.

Don M

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I've been looking for an update and finally found it here! Sorry so late in responding. I'm so glad there is no cancer! That's the great news. The bad news is the asthma is stealing your breath and we have to get that taken care of. I hope getting off the prednisone and starting the new meds along with some therapy gives you some relief. 43% is nowhere near good enough.

Take it easy and get lots of rest.


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