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Brian's update 10/17


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I have received many emails relative to our upcoming trip to FL. for the marriage of my middle son. Thank you for caring about us.

The update is gloomy. Sorry.

Brian is very very ill.

Saturday he began to have lots of pain in the vicinity of his liver. He agreed we would call the doc if the pain did not subside by Sunday. Well he felt better yesterday. We had a really nice day. We rarely eat out, but even had an early supper out and then watched part of the Sox game and went to bed. He woke about 2AM today in horrible pain. Addtionally he is coughing and shivering. He has no fever. He is very lethargic and has no interest in even talking. I have spoken w/ the doc and Bri will have a STAT CTScan this afternoon. Doc will do a wet read and we will try to figure out this pain.

We will welcome any prayer and support.

I have not said anything to the children, yet....there is still time for a miracle and I trust!

Lots of love


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Pat, I hope the doctor can find out what is causing Brians pain and do something to relieve it. I remember both of you in prayers every day but will certainly say a few extra today. Please let us know what you find, as we will be thinking of you.

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You know that you have remained in our prayers for quite some time now. We will certainly become more fervent...hoping for relief to be able to attend the wedding. My heart is saddened to hear of this latest turn.

We, too, remain trusting. Cyber support is on its way. Wish I could do more.

(((((Pat and Brian)))))



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Aw.....dammitall. There is never a good time for any of this...but I SO want you and Bri to be able to attend the wedding and feel good while doing so.

Know that I hold you both gently in my heart and thoughts, hoping the CT shows what's going on and that the doc comes up with a quick fix for it.

You guys deserve so much better than this...and I really want to see pix of the both of you dancing at the wedding.

Sending all my best and hoping for some hopeful news from the scan results....

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Oh Pat...I'm praying now and I'm going to keep praying for you and Brian that his appointment will bring back some reasons for him feeling so bad right now. I just don't know what else to say right now...please let us know how the appointment went when you get a free moment. We will all be so worried until we hear from you.

I'll be with you in thoughts......stay strong Pat.

Hugs and Prayers


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Oh Pat, what a hard time for Brian and for you. I think about you both ALL of the time and my thoughts and hopes will be with you ALL DAY today for the scan results to pinpoint the problem and for Brian's pain to subside.

Please take care of yourself and Brian today, and let the doctor take care of both of you as well,



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