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I've Learned That...............


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I know that we all have learned some very valuable lessons in life. Sometimes we pass these lessons on to others but sometimes they just stay with us. I thought we could add to this thread and maybe have something new to add to our next cookbook. Hey Andrea...is there a Volume 2 in the future???

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I've learned that we should never take even one minute of any day for granted. It is pretty hard to practice, but so true.

I've learned that if I base my life decisions on the question of "Will it matter tomorrow, next week, next year" and it doesn't apply to one of them, then it is not worth my worry. Also hard to practice!

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I've learned that family comes first (after God), and I can and will rearrange everything to make sure I am taking care of them.

I've learned that I do have joy even when things don't look, 'happy.'

I learned way more about certain aspects of medicine than I ever wanted to (guess I shoulda been a doctor).

I learned that sometimes you HAVE to ask for help.

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I've learned that, with the grace of God, I can handle more than I ever thought I could.

I've learned how to receive as well as to give, and how important it is to know both.

I've learned that each patient with serious illness needs an advocate to steer them through the medical minefield.

I've learned that a caregiver must take care of him/herself as well.

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I've learned that it is more important to do the right thing even if it does not make one very popular or fall out of grace with others.

I've learned that it is never to late to learn.

I've learned that things have a way of balancing out for the good in the end.

I've learned that when it is all said and done you can count on one hand who your true friends really are, that they were there for you when it really mattered and stayed to the end.

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I've learned that attitude is a choice.

I've learned to accept help and kindness from others.

I've learned that I can stand (and then even forget about) things I thought I could NEVER stand!

I've learned that, if I love the taste of pancakes and syrup, I should just go ahead and have pancakes and syrup once a week and not worry about getting

fat(ter)! Can't believe I made a conscious choice to avoid them for the last decade! :roll:


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I have learned that, I thought everything was as it should be, and we were doing everything that needed to be done was done as it should be, then all hell broke loose, and my life changed, as did my husbands did, and now this big black beast has shown his face, and I hate my life, only because the person I love the most in life, who has always sheltered me from everything, is fighting the battle of his life,

how sad! But We do keep trying to be optimistic!

Thats my take, sorry, Mary

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I have learned many things this past few years but two stand out above the others. I have learned what is really important in life is often the little things that we take for granted. I have also learned to respect myself. If you can not respect yourself you can not expect others to give you the respect that you deserve.

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