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Hello everyone, I’m sorry I haven’t been around much, been overwhelm lately. My husband Thomas last chemo treatment was cancelled due to low RBC. His had 3 transfusions so far in the past 4 months. Last week he has been sick with nausea and vomiting and stomach cramps and unable to keep anything down, turned yellow in the eyes and entire body, very dark urine. Took him to hospital and he was diagnosed with gallstones. Doc said just wait and see if it disappear on its own. Can’t recommend surgery due to his condition and small lung (wind) capacity. Was released home yesterday after 4 days in the hospital, still no appetite and still have nausea & vomiting and still dark urine. PET results on Nov 28, 2005 showed that he is no longer responding to CARBO/GEMZAR. Tumors are back all over with a vengeance but not in the liver and not in the kidneys. I am lost, stunned, and still shock as ever. We are supposed to meet with the Oncologist Monday to re group. Please keep him your prayers.

Love to all.


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Thank you all for your great support. It is such a blessing to have this board. I feel like I've known all of you in my entire life. This board is now a part of my family and I want to let you all know, that even though I don't post much, but for every post I read; I cry, I laugh, I pray, I smile,I wohoo, I praise God, and I grieved for those who is suffering and those who have left us.

I love you all.

I will keep you guys posted.


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You guys have had one tough year!

Your husband has certainly earned a break and I hope he gets one next week.

Hopefully his Drs can formulate a good plan and give him some relief soon.

Keeping my fingers crossed and I will keep you both in my prayers.

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Hi Malou,

I am sorry your husband and you are going through an incredibly hard time. The burden you are carrying is overwhelming. Poor guy, neasuea and stomach problems is a horrible way to exist.

I pray for good results and those stones leave on their own.

Isn't there some kind of lazer surgery where they do not have to cut to get to the stones. For some reason I thought I heard something about that.

Sending healing prayers to you both. Keep us posted.


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