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Mom came into the world in a blizzard and left in a blizzard


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Hey guys,

I havent posted in a while... things have been rough of late. I havent left my moms side in the past 9 days, but today has been the first.

My mom Barbara passed Sunday at 1:15 PM after declining rapidly in the past week. She was able to go in her home the way she wanted it and for that i am thankful. I took a leave of absence from my job to be able to be with her for the past 3 weeks and I am so glad for that time I had. It wasnt enough, but then I dont feel there could have been enough time.

She fought so hard, even at the end. The hospice people found her pain so hard to manage and it was so frustrating... thank god shes no longer in pain.

The last 2 days were the hardest because her pain was so great that she had to finally go on intravenous meds for her pain and she asked to be sedated. Sedating her was so hard... seeing her that way.

She passed with my brother and father at the head of her hospital bed (they brought one into the house near the end) clinging to her head and myself at her side holding her hand. She became to weak to cough up the fluid that was building up in her lungs and i had to watch for almost 18 hours as she slowly drowned... my heart breaks thinking about it. The supernatural smile she gave me as she took her last breath comforts me and makes me believe in things i was never certain of before. Knowing that I never left her side chapsticking her lips wetting her mouth and rubbing her hand and arms consoles me... I know I did all I could.

I couldnt even finish this... its been sitting on my desktop since monday afternoon. I still feel as empty as i did 3 and a half days ago, but there seems to be more closure now. The funeral is over but Ill never forget anything about her... she was the kindest most selfless person to ever live. I try to think of happier things now. She was born in the blizzard of '47 and went to claim her rightful place in heaven during the heart of the blizzard that just hit. It was poetic. Her funeral was on Valentine's day... so fitting for such an unendingly loving woman...

Thank you all for being there during these difficult times =)


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So very sorry for the loss of your dear mother and for all the pain you are going through right now. I am so glad your mother had her family so with her during the end. I believe being surrounded by the ones we love must bring an incredible amount of peace and tranquality. Your mother will always live within your heart. I'm sure she felt very blessed to have such a kind and caring son.

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I'm so very sorry for your loss. Thank God you were able to be with her when she passed. My Father Passed away on 11-18-05 @ 66 years old and we were lucky enough to be by his side. I think it does help with the greiving process to know that you were with them until the end. :cry:

Take care of yourself and your Dad he is going to need alot of support.


Dad DX 04-01-05

Passed away 11-18-05 :cry:

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Oh Dave - I am so sorry about your loss. Only those who have been through watching a loved one die know the pain of loss, yet joy that the loved one is free of pain.

Prayers for you that you find peace and gentle strength in the coming weeks. It has been six weeks since my best friend, my mom died and it gets a little easier at times, I promise....there are moments when the pain is just as strong as that day, but many moments when I do enjoy life and have such fantastic memories.

I am truly sorry that this monster took your sweet mom.


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Dave as one who just lost my wife of not near enough year's together, this i can promise you she felt your presence and with the very strong love you had for her.Life will go on and you can comfort your self with knowing the pain is gone and she as your Mother who taught you to love and care. What a beautiful Lady she had too of been....

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I'm so sorry for you loss. What a great son . Being with her like that is something to treasure. I also was lucky and blessed to be with my dad at the end. I will always remember the last moments and keep them close to my heart. Yours hopefully will also comfort you. You will be in my prayers. Take care and good luck.


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My deepest sympathies to you and your family on the loss of your sweet mom. She sounds like a beautiful woman, an angel here on earth. I have no doubt that she is a beautiful angel in heaven now.

I pray that God bring you some comfort and peace in these difficult days ahead.

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Dave, my deepest sympathies on the passing of your mom. I know how devestating it is to lose your mother. I am so glad she had her love ones around her and she was not alone.

Peace be with you Dave, I sm so sorry...


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