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I am so excited to have found this place, I've been reading in here for several hours and I'm astounded by the wealth of information. This site is a blessing right now.

My mom was diagnosed with stage IIIA lung cancer last fall. So far she's been through 6 rounds of chemo (cisplatin and v-16), 6 weeks of radiation and a lobectomy around 3 weeks ago. Next Wednesday they're hitting her with another round of chemo, Taxotere this time. They also may try brachytherapy with Iridium 192.

I'm hoping it will be easier on her, but with the potential neuropathy and bone aches it sounds like it might just be a whole different kind of pain. :( I hope not.

Anyway, *waves and big hugs* to you all.

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hey hey, hello!

glad you have found us. A big welcome to you. Your Mom's treatment sounds a little off the beaten path. Hope she is responding well. What part of the country are you and your mom?

You will find much support and information here. A few deserved laughs and hugs too.

Cindi o'h

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Hi Cindi!! Thank you so much for the quick response. We're in Northwest Arkansas, you'd think it would be bad re: medical care but actually her surgeon and oncologist rank as some of the best in the state. I'm hoping it's cutting edge... I've been giving her Essiac tea, so I'm down with anything experimental that just might work, you never know...

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Welcome here. Sorry you had to find us, but we will give you all the support you need.

They seem to have a rigorous plan for your mom. I hope she is doing well from her operation. She is lucky she has you by her side.

Good luck with her treatments. I hope it kicks the C in the butt!! Keep us posted on how she is doing.


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Welcome here. Sorry you had to find us, but we will give you all the support you need.

They seem to have a rigorous plan for your mom. I hope she is doing well from her operation. She is lucky she has you by her side.

Good luck with her treatments. I hope it kicks the C in the butt!! Keep us posted on how she is doing.


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Thanks again you all! Maryanne, grats to Joel for completing the 5 mile walk, not even sure I could do that right now! The site seems to be having a little technical difficulty this morning...

Oh hey, those of you who've had experience with Taxotere... Is hair loss pretty much a certainty? I guess it's really the least of our worries, but her pretty hair was just starting to grow back.

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A big Tennessee wave and hug coming your way. Sorry you had to go looking for us but glad you stumbled upon us. You will find loads of info and firsthand knowledge her. Come often. If you need to vent or need advice we are here for you. We will smile of laugh with you, whatever your needs are. Again Welcome.

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I am sorry you need us, but glad you found us. The

wonderful people on this board have gotten me through

some difficult times. So we are here whenever you

need us.

I can not offer anything in way of your mom's treatment as my husband's was different, but many

prayers coming your way.

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Hi- I am glad you have found us.

Your mom's treatment sounds much like mine, except for the last chemo.

I've been here almost 6 years post diagnosis.

They must have done something right.

Keep us informed, and we're glad to have you (excepting the circumstances...).



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Hi and welcome.

I think the drug for neuropathy is Gabapentin. I was recently given it by my doctor. The neuropathy is really only bad at night for me so I chose to hold onto the prescription because sometimes the neuropathy can go away by itself.

Your mom sounds like a real fighter which is great and I hope this new treatment works well for her.


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Mhutch, that's just Exactly the thing I like to hear... It's nice to read your progression and see you're doing so well.

We found out today that mom's best friend (mom is 50, friend is 51) has SCLC. :((( They think her heart is involved. She went to the ER with chest pains last week.

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