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Brain is clear

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Finally, the scanning thing is over again for 3 months! His brain is still clear. He has no more appointments until the end of August. The doctor said that some of his residual problems like groping for the right word and short term memory loss will continue to improve to a point but for the most part he will just have to learn to live with his new self. All in all I say it is a small price to pay to have him whole and happy..a blessing and a miracle everyday. Prayers for all.


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GREAT report, Trish!!!! Hurray for Jeffrey! Having trouble finding the right word...........well............that would be most ALL of us over ~ uh ~ 50?????? That is whether or NOT one has been treated for cancer. I couldn't remember before ~~~~ now at least I have an excuse. I am overjoyed for you both! What a summer you guys will have!!!


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I just answered your other post when I read this one.

as Leslie would have said...


That Cyber knife really worked for him.

Great news again Trish. He is a walking miracle. :lol:

Maryanne :wink:

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